
3 unusual facts about Ephraim Buchwald

Association for Jewish Outreach Programs

Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald has served as AJOP's Honorary President during the entire lifespan of the organization.

Ephraim Buchwald

Both NJOP and AJOP were initially funded by significant grants from the AVI CHAI Foundation, a Jewish philanthropy established by Sanford Bernstein, a financial investor who had himself become a Baal teshuva (a returnee to traditional Orthodox observance) and sought to further the cause of education and outreach to alienated and assimilated Jews worldwide.

Ordained at Yeshiva University, where he was a student of Rabbi Dr. Joseph B. Soloveitchik, he served from 1973 for 15 years as the Director of Education at Lincoln Square Synagogue in New York, which became one of the largest and most successful centers for adult Jewish education programs in America.

see also