All together, more than 3,000 specimens of plants were collected and 2,500 life-sized botanical illustrations were produced, and when they returned to Spain they brought back a great many living plants, among which was a medicinal remedy for the flu as well as toothaches, using as a base the boiled spouts of Buddleja incana.
The generic name bestowed by Linnaeus posthumously honoured the Reverend Adam Buddle (1662–1715), a botanist and rector in Essex, England, at the suggestion of Dr. William Houstoun.
The nursery is set in and around a brick and flint walled garden, and is home to the NCCPG National Collections of Buddleja and Clematis viticella, and the Gilchrist Collection of Penstemons.
Buddleja | Buddleja davidii | Buddleja crispa | Buddleja alternifolia 'Argentea' | ''Buddleja alternifolia'' 'Argentea' | Buddleja × weyeriana | ''Buddleja'' × ''weyeriana'' | Buddleja 'West Hill' | Buddleja 'Pink Delight' | Buddleja 'Lochinch' | Buddleja davidii var. nanhoensis | Buddleja × weyeriana 'Sungold' | Buddleja utahensis | Buddleja 'Summer Beauty' | Buddleja nitida | Buddleja 'Mayford Purple' | Buddleja globosa | Buddleja diffusa | Buddleja davidii 'Fascination' | Buddleja davidii 'Border Beauty' | ''Buddleja crispa'' var. ''agathosma'' | Buddleja asiatica | Buddleja albiflora |
The uncommon butterfly bush (Buddleja utahensis) is also quite common here.
Buddleja 'Autumn Surprise' is a hybrid cultivar arising from a cross of Buddleja crispa with Buddleja alternifolia 'Argentea' made by chief propagator Peter Moore of the Longstock Park Nursery, Stockbridge, England.
Buddleja 'Bel Argent' is a French hybrid cultivar of undisclosed provenance, raised by Jean-François Giraud of Le Jardin de Rochevieille, Viviers, near Montelimar.
Buddleja 'Boy Blue' is a hybrid cultivar raised circa 2000 by Peter Moore, Chief Propagator at the Longstock Park Nursery in Hampshire, England.
Buddleja 'Lochinch' is an old hybrid cultivar raised from a chance seedling found in the garden of the Earl of Stair at Lochinch Castle, Scotland, circa 1940; the shrub's parents believed to be Buddleja davidii and Buddleja fallowiana.
Buddleja 'Longstock Pride' is a sterile hybrid cultivar raised by Peter Moore, Chief Propagator at the Longstock Park Nursery in Hampshire, England, in 1999.
Buddleja 'Longstock' is a sterile hybrid cultivar raised in 1998 by Peter Moore, Chief Propagator at the Longstock Park Nursery in Hampshire, England.
During the Buddleja cultivar Euro-trial held by the Royal Horticultural Society at Wisley, England, 'Miss Ruby' was voted the most attractive cultivar of the 97 on display in the 2008 public poll, and later accorded the RHS Award of Garden Merit (record 9299) in 2012.
Buddleja 'Pink Delight' is a cultivar raised by the Horticultural Research Institute in Boskoop, Netherlands, in 1986 from the hybrid B. davidii 'Fascination' × B. davidii var. nanhoensis 'Alba' × B. 'West Hill'.
Buddleja 'Pink Pagoda' (sold as 'InSpired Pink' in the USA) is a sterile hybrid cultivar raised in 1998 by Peter Moore, Chief Propagator at the Longstock Park Nursery in Hampshire, England, and named by Roy Lancaster.
Buddleja 'Summer Beauty' is a hybrid cultivar developed by Horticultural Research International, at Boskoop in the Netherlands.
Buddleja 'West Hill' is an old hybrid cultivar, a full sister of 'Lochinch' and 'Mayford Purple' raised from a chance seedling found in the garden of the Earl of Stair at Lochinch Castle, Scotland, circa 1940, the shrub's parents believed to be Buddleja davidii and Buddleja fallowiana.
Buddleja 'White Ball' is a hybrid cultivar developed by Horticultural Research International, at Boskoop in the Netherlands.
Buddleja × weyeriana 'Flight's Fancy' is a little-known British cultivar once marketed by Webb's of Wychbold, Worcestershire.
Buddleja × weyeriana 'Honeycomb' originated as a particularly floriferous selection of 'Sungold' at Crathes Castle, Aberdeenshire, purchased by Michael Dirr on a visit to Scotland in 1995.
A specimen is grown as part of the NCCPG national collection of Buddleja at Longstock Park Nursery, near Stockbridge, Hampshire, England.
The shrub is fully hardy in the UK, and features in the NCCPG National Collection of Buddleja held by the Longstock Park Nursery, near Stockbridge.
The plant features in the NCCPG National Collection of Buddleja held by the Longstock Park Nursery, near Stockbridge, although the large specimen there was killed during the winter of 2010–11, when temperatures fell to -12°C.
Buddleja davidii 'Carroll Deep Lavender' is a selection made by the Carroll Gardens Inc., (ceased trading 2009) Westminster, Maryland, USA.
Buddleja davidii 'Castle School' is a recent introduction, cloned from a seedling discovered growing in the wall of the eponymous Castle School in Tiverton, Devon, England, by nurseryman Martin Hugh-Jones, and introduced to commerce in 2004.
Buddleja davidii 'Charming' is a vigorous American cultivar raised by Paul Winzer, Emmaus, Pennsylvania, USA.
Buddleja davidii 'Corinne Tremaine' is a cultivar raised at the The Herb Garden & Historical Plant Nursery on Anglesey, north Wales.
Buddleja davidii 'Croyde' is a cultivar raised from a seedling discovered growing on waste ground in the eponymous Devon village by nurseryman Martin Hugh-Jones, and introduced to commerce in 2004.
Buddleja davidii 'Florence' is a variegated cultivar introduced and registered by the Stone Green Nursery, Bethersden, Ashford, UK.
Buddleja davidii 'Foxtail' is a little-known Dutch cultivar raised by the Ferdinandushof Nursery at Overslag.
Buddleja davidii 'Fromow's Purple' is a British cultivar released circa 1945 by the Fromow Nursery of Windlesham, Surrey.
Buddleja davidii 'Gary William' is a French introduction, raised by the Le Jardin de Rochevieille, Viviers, near Montelimar.
Buddleja List, 2011-2012, Longstock Park Nursery Longstock Park Nursery, UK.
David Stuart, former curator of the NCCPG national collection of Buddleja at Longstock Park Nursery, England, rated 'Opera' third in the pink Buddleja league, behind 'Pink Delight' and 'Border Beauty'.
Buddleja davidii 'Orchid' is an American cultivar raised by Anne Rainey of Columbia, South Carolina, and introduced to commerce by Niche Gardens, Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
Specimens of 'Pixie Blue' and 'Pixie White' are grown as part of the NCCPG national buddleja collection held by the Longstock Park Nursery near Stockbridge, Hampshire, UK.
Buddleja davidii 'Queen's Robe' is a little-known American cultivar raised by Bluestone Perennials Inc., Madison, Ohio, though no longer listed by the company.
Buddleja davidii 'Summer Skies' is an American cultivar raised by Mark Brand and William Smith of Storrs, Connecticut, and patented in 2012.
Buddleja List 2011 - 2012 Longstock Park Nursery Longstock Park Nursery, Stockbridge, UK.
Buddleja davidii 'Tovelill' is a little-known cultivar of Scandinavian origin and named for the Norwegian beauty queen Tove Lill Løyte.
A specimen is grown as part of the NCCPG national buddleja collection held by Longstock Park Nursery in the UK.
A large specimen is grown as part of the NCCPG national collection of Buddleja at Longstock Garden Nursery, near Stockbridge, Hampshire, England.
Buddleja hatschbachii is a rare species found only in the wet ravines and rock slopes flanking the east side of the planalto of southern Brazil.
Buddleja ibarrensis is an endangered species endemic to a small area of Ecuador in the vicinity of Ibarra in subtropical or tropical moist montane forest at an elevation of 2,200 m threatened by deforestation.
Buddleja longifolia is a species now restricted to remnants of montane forest in Loja, Ecuador, and northern Peru at altitudes of 2100 – 2600 m.
Buddleja mendozensis is an extremely variable species endemic to the xeric and subxeric areas of Argentina, from Jujuy to southern Mendoza and La Pampa, where it grows on rocks at altitudes of 600 – 3,000 m.
Buddleja rufescens is endemic to western Peru from Piura to Ica where it grows along roadsides, dry river courses, and in remnants of scrubby woodland from sea level to 2,000 m.
Clouded Sulphurs nectar at flowers such as Milkweed (Asclepias sp.), Butterfly Bush (Buddleja sp.), Coneflower (Dracopis, Echinacea, and Rudbeckia), Alfalfa (Medicago sativa), Dandelion (Taraxacum sp.), Clover (Trifolium sp.), and Tall verbena (Verbena bonariensis) and many more.
Working in the nursery of his home, Smedmore House, Corfe Castle, he crossed B. globosa with B. davidii, naming the new hybrid Buddleja weyeriana.