Among those stations are CFCB/570: Corner Brook, NL; CFCO/630: Chatham, Ontario (covering SW Ontario, Eastern Michigan and Northern Ohio); WLS/890 (now during both day and night hours): Chicago, Illinois; WNMB/900: North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina; WBLQ/1230: Westerly, Rhode Island; WIRY/1340: Plattsburgh, New York; WAXB/850: Ridgefield, Connecticut; and WLAD/800: Danbury, Connecticut.
It was invented in 1977 by Norman Parker, Francis Hilbert, and Yoshio Sakaie, and published in an IEEE journal.
Confessio catholica, in qua doctrina catholica et evangelica, quam ecclesiae Augustanae confessioni addictae profilentur, ex Romano-catholicorum scriptorum suffragiis confirmatur (4 parts, Frankfort and Leipsic, 1634–37), is based upon the Catalogus testium veritatis of Flacius.
He published a number of esteemed treatises on various astronomical and mathematical subjects, the most well-known of which was a treatise on the sundial called Opus de compositione et usu multiformium horologiorum solarium, pro diversis mundi regionibus, idq(ue) ubique locorum tam in superficie plana horizontali quam murali quoruscumqu(ue) exposita sit, pertractans (Venice, 1570).
Attacked by Jacob Heerbrand on his doctrine concerning the Church, he published a defense of his thesis as Defensio assertionum theologicarum de verâ et sacrosanctâ Christi, quam habet in terris, Ecclesiâ militante (Ingolstadt, 1577).
Quam singulari was a decree released by Pope Pius X in 1910, concerning the admittance of Communion to children.
Apart from Magnus Dominus by Benigno Zerafa and the test piece, Quam Dilecta Tabernacula Tua Domine by Carlo Diacono (1876–1942), the choir’s performance included Rhythm of Life from Sweet Charity, The Bare Necessities from the motion picture The Jungle Book and negro spirituals Hush, somebody’s Calling My Name and I Want Jesus.