
unusual facts about publish

1555 in poetry

Mirror for Magistrates, anthology of poems about great historical figures of England, first edition; published by John Weyland, who was apparently denied a license to publish by the Lord Chancellor Stephen Gardiner, effectively suppressing the work and putting Weyland out of business (the book was revived and published in 1559, third edition 1563, fourth edition 1574, another edition 1610)

1950s in LGBT rights

Alfred Kinsey and the Institute for Sex Research publish Sexual Behavior in the Human Female, the second of two Kinsey Reports.

A. J. Quinnell

When the author was preparing to publish his first book, Man on Fire, he wanted to keep his real identity a secret.

Aasta Hansteen

In 1862 she published anonymously a small book written in Nynorsk and had the distinction of being the first woman to publish in this language.

Andrea Angiolino

He has been the first Italian author to publish a choose-your-own-story gamebook, "In Cerca di fortuna" (Ripostes 1987) and the first to publish one for kids who can not read: "Il Mischiastorie - Osvaldo e i cacciatori" (Lapis 2005, illustrated by Valeria De Caterini).

Arthur Hays Sulzberger

Under Sulzberger the Times began to publish editions in Paris and Los Angeles with remote-control typesetting machines.

Audrey Niffenegger

After a fiercely contested auction, Scribner, a unit of Simon & Schuster, bought the rights to publish the new novel, Her Fearful Symmetry, in the United States this fall.

Auguste Comte

During that time Comte published his first essays in the various publications headed by Saint-Simon, L'Industrie, Le Politique, and L'Organisateur (Charles Dunoyer and Charles Comte's Le Censeur Européen), although he would not publish under his own name until 1819's "La séparation générale entre les opinions et les désirs" ("The general separation of opinions and desires").

Barnaby Bernard Lintot

Thus, when Pope came to publish his translation of Odyssey, Lintot was in no mood to offer the same terms.

Ben Fama

In 2015 Ugly Duckling Presse will publish 'Fantasy', his first full length book.

Consumer Reports Best Buy Drugs

To highlight this concern, Best Buy Drugs' doctors and editors publish drug-safety reports to draw attention to the adverse effects and risks of prescription drugs, such as Celebrex and Alli.

Edwin Lester Arnold

Marvel Comics did a brief comic version of Gullivar of Mars during the early 1970s, possibly as a reaction to DC gaining the rights to publish Burroughs' John Carter during this time.

Ekai Kawaguchi

He was a friend of Mrs. Annie Besant, President of the Theosophical Society, who encouraged him to publish the English text of his book, Three Years in Tibet.

Epigram Books

They continuously publish fiction and poetry by Singapore-based writers, poets and playwrights like Jean Tay, Haresh Sharma and Kevin Keane.

Eran Ben-Shahar

He began his own writing at the age of 11, while at the age of 13 he started to publish a series of articles in the Israeli journal of "Computer World".

Espumas Flutuantes

It would be the only work Alves would publish during his lifetime, because of his premature death from tuberculosis one year later.

Finger fluting

Bednarik continues to publish sites that contain flutings, but current forward research into finger flutings is mainly being carried out by Kevin J. Sharpe and Leslie Van Gelder.

Friedrich von Bodenstedt

He took the opportunity of his proximity to Persia to study Persian literature, and translate and publish in 1851 a volume of poetry under the fanciful title, Die Lieder des Mirza Schaffy (English trans. by E. d'Esterre, 1880).

Gabriel de Luetz

Gabriel de Luetz was accompanied by a vast suite of scientists, Jean de Monluc, philosopher Guillaume Postel, botanist Pierre Belon, naturalist Pierre Gilles d'Albi, the future cosmographer André Thévet, traveler Nicolas de Nicolay who would publish their findings upon their return to France and contribute greatly to the development of early science in France.

Helen Barrett Montgomery

In 1924 she was the first woman to publish a translation of the New Testament from the original Greek.


In the spring of 2005, Igromania was one of the three magazines (the others were Game Informer and PC Gamer UK) to publish the first preview of Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars.

Illinois State University College of Arts and Sciences

They publish research in Children's Literature, Rhetoric and Composition, Creative Writing, English Education and Pedagogy, Linguistics/TESOL, Literary and Cultural Studies, Publishing, and Technical Writing.

Josephine Miles

Most notably, she helped Allen Ginsberg publish Howl by recommending it to Richard Eberhart, who would publish an article in the New York Times praising the poem.

Josiah Gilbert Holland

When they returned to the United States in 1869, the two men collaborated with Charles Scribner to publish Scribner's Monthly.

Joy Leftow

Some poems have gained critical acclaim, such as Tupelo Honey, Advancing on Satori, and the more recent, Being Jewish, My Mother, and I Sing The Blues For You Today, all of which have been published in several journals.

Karma II

However, on March 2011, Joymax picked up the rights to publish the game globally under the name, Karma Online: Prisoners Of The Dead.

Kepler Kessel

The name of Kepler Kessel derives from the famous astronomer Johannes Kepler who moved to Ulm in 1627 to finish and publish his famous works later known as the Rudolphine Tables.

Liu Cixin

Tor Books announced it will publish an English translation by Ken Liu of the first book in the trilogy as The Three-Body Problem.

Lucien Sanial

Sanial would publish on the theme in 1901 in a seminal pamphlet entitled Territorial Expansion, anticipating the work of John A. Hobson (1902) and Vladimir Ul'yanov (Lenin) (1916).

Marani Editore

Publish visual artbooks by highly recognized contemporary art critics like Filiberto Menna and Villa on artists like Joseph Beuys, Fabio Mauri, Vector Pisani, Marcel Duchamp, Emilio Vedova, Andy Warhol, Dino Buzzati, Mark Rothko

Mary Katherine Goddard

Mary Goddard took control of the journal in 1774 while her brother was traveling to promote his Constitutional Post; she continued to publish it throughout the American Revolutionary War until 1784.

Maxine Cassin

She continued to publish in major journals as late as 2006; Callaloos post-Katrina issue featured "Three Love Poems by a Native," which Cassin also read during an October 26, 1995 interview with WWNO-FM's Fred Kasten.

Milton A. Abernethy

It would eventually publish many of the major authors of the day, including Sherwood Anderson, Ezra Pound, Langston Hughes, William Faulkner, William Carlos Williams, Hart Crane, James Joyce, and others.

Narratio Prima

In September 1539 Rheticus went to Danzig (Gdańsk) to visit the mayor who gave Rheticus some financial assistance to publish the Narratio Prima.

Parlay Group

It was developed by The Parlay Group, which worked closely with ETSI and 3GPP, which all co-publish it.

Pemberley Books

In addition to selling new and old books, they publish the journals Entomologist's Gazette and Entomologist's Monthly Magazine.

Philip Stewart

His love of both chemistry and astronomy led him in 2004 to publish a new representation of the periodic system of the elements - Chemical Galaxy.

Pierre Janet

While he did not publish much in English, the fifteen lectures he gave to the Harvard Medical School between 15 October and the end of November 1906 were published in 1907 as The Major Symptoms of Hysteria, and he received an honorary doctorate from Harvard in 1936.

Pyotr Kozlov

Kozlov married Elizabeth V. Kozlova, a woman 29 years his junior, who accompanied him on his final journey of exploration as the expedition ornithologist, and who was to publish many monographs and scientific papers on the avifauna of Central Asia.

Revival of the Hebrew language

Eliezer Ben-Yehuda (אליעזר בן יהודה) (1922–1858), is often regarded as the "reviver of the Hebrew language" ("מחייה השפה העברית"), yet his major contributions were ideological and symbolic; he was the first to raise the concept of reviving Hebrew, to publish articles in newspapers on the topic, and he took part in the project known as the Ben Yehuda Dictionary.

Robin Casady

Robin Casady founded Casady & Greene, a Macintosh software publisher and developer, in 1984 to publish fonts for the Macintosh 128K, the original Macintosh.

Roxana Barry Robinson

She worked in the American painting department at Sotheby's and wrote about American art until she began to successfully publish short fiction in the 1980s.

Rudolf Augstein

Since Stefan Aust became editor-in-chief of Der Spiegel, Augstein retreated more and more to private life, although he continued to publish commentaries regularly in the magazine almost until his death.

Self Help Africa

In 2009 the organisation collaborated with a number of international development agencies including Development Fund of Norway and FARM-Africa to publish 'Climate Frontline - African Communities Adapting to Survive', which was launched in Dublin by Irish Environment Minister John Gormley, at the EU in Brussels, in London, and in several African capitals.

Shabsai Frankel

In 1970, after succeeding in business, Rabib Shabsai moved to Israel to fulfill his lifelong dream: He wished to publish a new, corrected edition of the Rambam's Mishneh Torah.

The Porcupine's Quill

Early in The Porcupine's Quill's history, Tim Inkster contacted friends he met during his time at the University of Toronto to publish their work, such as collections of poetry by Ed Carson and Brian Henderson.

Valentin Parnakh

However, by 1925 Parnokh had become disillusioned with life in the Soviet Union, where publishing houses were refusing to publish his poetry and his translations of the French poet Gérard de Nerval.

Warsaw Scientific Society

It was established in 1907 as a continuation of the Society of Friends of Science to advance the sciences and arts and to publish scientific papers.

William G. James

By this time he had begun to publish his compositions, and in 1916 his ballet music By Candlelight was performed in concert at the Savoy Theatre, London.

Zachary Barth

For marketing reasons, Barth decided against XNA with its capability to cross-publish to Xbox 360, and switched to OpenGL, which allowed him to target the three operating systems required for inclusion in the Humble Indie Bundle.

see also