
unusual facts about CORDS


Civil Operations and Revolutionary Development Support, a pacification program of the U.S. in the Vietnam War



Bungee chair, a type of office or lounge chair made with bungee cords

Enoch Cobb

The Cy-près doctrine was used to redevelop the trust fund as the original plans of the will would be hard to follow since selling cords of wood was not as profitable as it once was.

Homer Dudley

His development of artificial speech was elaborated upon by others to produce methods of artificial speech for humans unable to use their vocal cords (as with the voice synthesizer used by Stephen Hawking), and by electronic music pioneers Wendy Carlos, Robert Moog and the German musical group Kraftwerk.


Contracted with Goodyear for the long-term supply of Tire Cords and Contracted to take over four Factories around the World; acquired an Agfa photo production facility in Germany; acquired the Nantong Hyosung Transformer Co., Ltd. in China; acquired Dongguk Trade's spandex factory in China

Kapa haka

Formerly the balls were made of raupo and the cords of flax but today they tend to be made of plastic shopping-bag material and yarn.


Cords may be held in place using a C-clamp, straight pins, T-pins, U-pins, or upholstery pins.

Michael J. H. Walsh

He attained the King's Scout Award with the added distinction of Gold Cords, indicating it as the highest award available in Scouting at the time.

Sixteen Stone

A Puli, a breed of dog with dreadlock-like cords, that has been tossed in the air or is jumping.

Tran Ngoc Chau

The Civil Operations and Revolutionary Development Support (CORDS), an American agency, was founded in 1967 at the initiation of Robert Komer.

The bureaucratic position of CORDS within the "chain of command" of the Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV) gave it access to funding and attention.

Ventral nerve cord

It usually consists of cerebral ganglia anteriorly with the nerve cords running down the ventral ("belly", as opposed to back) plane of the organism.

Vincenzo Gamba

Vincenzo Viviani (1622–1703) mentions Vincenzo Galilei’s skill as inventor of musical instruments and in particular his construction of a "lute made with such art that, playing it so excellently, he extracted continuous and goliardic voices from the cords as if they were issuing from an organ's pipes...".

William A. Knowlton

He deployed to Vietnam for two tours of duty where he oversaw Civil Operations and Revolutionary Development Support (CORDS) for General William Westmoreland, and served as assistant division commander for the 9th Infantry Division.

see also