
2 unusual facts about flax

Golden flax

Flax, the golden colored seeds produced by some forms of the widely cultivated blue-flowered flax species, Linum usitatissimum

Philip Guedalla

During the First World War he organised and acted as secretary to the Flax Control Board and also served as legal adviser to the Contracts Departments of the War Office and the Ministry of Munitions.

1830 in New Zealand

19 August – Captain William Stewart leaves for Kapiti Island, where Te Rauparaha has promised him a cargo of flax in return for transporting a large Ngāti Toa party to Akaroa.

Black Diamond Mines Regional Preserve

The Preserve usually has an impressive variety of wildflowers in spring including the rare Mount Diablo fairy lantern (Calochortus pulchellus), Mount Diablo sunflower (Helianthella castanea), and Brewer's dwarf flax (Hesperolinon breweri).

C. sativa

Camelina sativa, the gold-of-pleasure or false flax, a flowering plant species native to Northern Europe and to Central Asia

Cassiculus venustus

The flax ladybird (Cassiculus venustus) is a species of ladybird beetle that is native to New Zealand, being found at least in the North Island.

Dianella admixta

Dianella admixta, also known as the Black-anther or Spreading Flax-lily, is a species of Dianella native to South-eastern Australia.

Ditherington Flax Mill

Ditherington Flax Mill, a Flax mill located in Ditherington, a suburb of Shrewsbury, England, is the oldest iron framed building in the world.

Epipompilus insularis

insularis females hunt, usually in sunshine for retreat-making spiders in the concealed places where female spiders retreat to, such as rolled dead leaves; hollow plant stems; flax bushes; dead rolled fronds of tree-ferns; the abandoned cocoons of the bag-moth Liothula omnivora; deserted galleries of wood-boring beetles; and even the empty hatched galls of the moth Morova subfasciata in Muehlenbeckia australis and beneath loose bark on tree trunks.

Feltia jaculifera

The larvae feed upon more than forty different species of plants including but not limited to; Alfalfa, Aster, Blueberry, Chickweed, Clover, Corn, Dock, Flax, Goldenrod, miscellaneous garden vegetables, Grasses, Mullein, Oats, Raspberry, Rye, Tobacco, and Wheat.


Flax provides independent open source search solutions based on the Xapian and Lucene/Solr platforms.

Geckos of New Zealand

New Zealand geckos are omnivorous – their diet is primarily insectivorous in nature – flies, spiders, moths etc., but they will supplement it with fruit (i.e.: from mahoe) and nectar (i.e.: from flax flowers) when it is available.


Due to the traditional cultivation of industrial hemp in the area, Hlukhiv has become home to the Institute of Bast Crops of the Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences, working on breeding improved hemp and flax cultivars.

James Body

Then moved to Winnipeg Manitoba Canada to become the proprieter of a flax-crushing works in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Kapa haka

Formerly the balls were made of raupo and the cords of flax but today they tend to be made of plastic shopping-bag material and yarn.

Ken Flax

After college, Flax went on to compete in three World University Games winning a bronze and in 1991 he won the gold medal, beating the former number one ranked hammer thrower in the world, Heinz Weis.

Linum narbonense

Linum narbonense (perennial flax or blue flax), is a flowering plant in the family Linaceae, native to Europe and similar in appearance to Linum perenne.

Mantua, Utah

Mantua was settled in the mid-19th century when future LDS President and then apostle and head church authority in Box Elder County Lorenzo Snow sent settlers to the valley to grow flax.

Māori music

Some of the smaller wind instruments were also sung into, and the sound of the poi (raupo ball swung on the end of a flax cord) provided a rhythmic accompaniment to waiata poi.

South-west Saint Helena Important Bird Area

The four vegetation zones comprise an arid, eroded lowland below 350 m, an intermediate zone at 350–500 m of pasture and non-indigenous woodland, a moist highland zone characterised by woodland and flax plantations and, at the highest point of the island, a small remnant area of native Dicksonia fern thicket and Melanodendron cabbage trees.

Taylor, Wordsworth and Co

Taylor Wordsworth and Co was one of the leading producers of machinery for the flax, wool and worsted industries in Leeds, Yorkshire during the British Industrial Revolution.

Trite planiceps

As T. planiceps lives in low altitudes, this could be an adaptation to cool overcast winters, where they need to survive within the dim recesses of rolled-up leaves of New Zealand flax (Phormium tenax) and similar plants.

William Digby Seymour

How to employ Capital in Western Ireland, being Answers to Questions upon the Manufacture of Beet-sugar, Flax, and Chicory in connection with a Land Investment in the West of Ireland, 2nd edit.

see also