E-cadherin binding to p120ctn may activate SRC leading to activation of Rac1 which results in phosphorylation of LIMK1 and LIMK2 to deactivate cofilin causing G-actin polymerization.
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Cells clustered on the wall of the dorsal aorta also expressed VE-cadherin as well as CD34, a common hematopoietic and endothelial marker; and CD45, a marker present on hematopoietic cells.
Recently it has been shown that Cadherin-23 CDH23 and Protocadherin-15 PCDH15 are the adhesion molecules associated with these tip links.
The encoded protein is cadherin-like, consisting of an extracellular region, containing 7 cadherin domains, and a transmembrane region but lacking the conserved cytoplasmic domain.
Each cadherin exhibits a unique pattern of tissue distribution, such as epithelial (E-cadherins), placental (P-cadherins), neural (N-cadherins), retinal (R-cadherins), brain (B-cadherins and T-cadherins), and muscle (M-cadherins).
SNAI1/Snail 1, SNAI2/Snail 2 (also known as Slug), ZEB1, ZEB2, E47 and KLF8 (Kruppel-like factor 8) can bind to E-cadherin promoter and repress its transcription, whereas factors such as Twist, Goosecoid, E2.2 (also known as TCF4), homeobox protein SIX1 and FOXC2 (fork-head box protein C2) repress E-cadherin indirectly.