
unusual facts about Caesarea-Pardes Hanna Railway Station

Caesarea-Pardes Hanna Railway Station

The station is situated between Binyamina Railway Station to the north and Hadera Ma'arav (West) Railway Station to the south.

Ante-Nicene Period

A bishop from Caesarea named Firmilian sided with Cyprian in his dispute, seething against Stephen's "insulting arrogance" and claims of authority based on the See of Peter.


Arethas of Caesarea (c. 860–10th-century), archbishop of Caesarea in the 10th century

Bartholomew MacCarthy

These include discussions of the ancient Paschal cycle of 84 years and other Paschal computations in vogue in Ireland, the origin of A.D. dating in Irish annals, the methods of rectifying errors in the same, and the history of the various British or Irish falsifications which appeared during the disputes regarding Easter in the insular churches of the West, such as the Acts of Caesarea, the Athanasian Tractate, the Book of Anatolius, and the "Epistle" of Cyril of Alexandria.

Battle of Dathin

The Byzantine commander (dux and candidatus) Sergius assembled a small detachment of soldiers (due to shortness of troops), and led that mounted army from his base at Caesarea some 125 kilometers south to the vicinity of Gaza.

Charles Berington

After travelling for two years with young Mr. Giffard of Chillington, on his return, Berington was appointed coadjutor to Bishop Thomas Talbot, Vicar Apostolic of the Midland District, becoming at the same time Titular Bishop of Hiero-Caesarea.

Cleopatra Selene II

They renamed their new capital Caesarea (modern Cherchell, Algeria), in honor of the Emperor.

Codex Coislinianus

The codex was probably written in the 6th century at the library in Caesarea, later coming into the possession of the monastery of the Great Lavra on Mount Athos, but its value appears to have been overlooked.

Dorothea of Caesarea

Dorothy of Caesarea's life and martyrdom was the basis of Philip Massinger and Thomas Dekker's The Virgin Martyr (printed 1622).

East New Jersey Provincial Council

The Council was established in 1664 by Sir George Carteret and John Berkeley, 1st Baron Berkeley of Stratton in the Concession and Agreement of the Lords Proprietors of the Province of New-Caesarea, or New-Jersey, to and with all and every the Adventurers and all such as shall Settle or Plant there.

Fifty Bibles of Constantine

Constantin von Tischendorf, discoverer of Codex Sinaiticus, believed that Sinaiticus and Vaticanus were among these fifty Bibles prepared by Eusebius in Caesarea.

Caspar René Gregory believed that Vaticanus and Sinaiticus were written in Caesarea, and they could belong to the Eusebian fifty.


Gregory of Nyssa tells that Gregory Thaumaturgus, when still a pagan, having completed his secular studies, "fell in with Firmilian, a Cappadocian of noble family, similar to himself in character and talent, as he showed in his subsequent life when he adorned the Church of Caesarea."

Herman Barron

He played a large role in the development of Israel's first golf course, at Caesarea.

Jund Filastin

After the Fatimids conquered the district from the Abbasids, Jerusalem eventually became the capital, and the principal towns were Ashkelon, Ramla, Gaza, Arsuf, Caesarea, Jaffa, Jericho, Nablus, Bayt Jibrin, and Amman.

Juvenal of Jerusalem

Juvenal wanted to make Jerusalem into a primary see (a "Patriarchal see") by demotion of the Metropolitan see of Caesarea and the primary see of Antioch.

Law school of Beirut

Beirut was first mentioned in writing as a major center for the study of law in the 239 works of Gregory Thaumaturgus, the bishop of Neo-Caesarea.

Le Puy-Sainte-Réparade

According to legend, Saint Réparade was a young girl martyred in Caesarea during the reign of the Emperor Decius by a Roman Proconsul.

Lucius Annius Fabianus

Fabianus came from Caesarea in Mauretania Caesariensis and was in all probability related to the remaining patrician gens Annia.


(Another Cypriot magus named Atomos is referenced by Josephus, working at the court of Felix at Caesarea.)

Mandra, Larissa

Inhabited by Misthiotes deriving from the Greek city of Misthi south of Caesarea (Kayseri).

Mariposa Township, Ontario

Such crops as were exported were teamed in the winter time south to a village (now deserted) called Port Hoover, on the north shore of Lake Scugog, thence across the lake to Caesarea, in Scugog, and south by road to Port Whitby, on Lake Ontario.

Minuscule 88

The manuscript was written by Evagrius and compared with Pamphilus copy at Caesarea.


Mnason was a first-century Cyprian Christian, who is mentioned in the New Testament Book of Acts as offering hospitality to the apostle Paul and his companions, when they travelled from Caesarea to Jerusalem.


At Caesarea, Origen was joyfully received, was the guest of Firmilian, bishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia, and perhaps also of the empress-dowager Julia Avita Mamaea.

Pap of Armenia

Pap had nominated a certain Husik as a replacement and sent him for consecration in Caesarea, the bishop of Caesarea Basil refused to consecrate the nominee but Valens requested that Basil quickly resolve the situation by finding a new nominee acceptable to Pap.


Traces of Roman civilizations were found - including remains if the defensive walls - and other towns in the area : castrum di Vicus Mercati (now Vimercate), the winter encampment Hiberna Regis (now Bernareggio), Caesarea Novella (Now Sernovella, frazione di Verderio) and Miliarium Tertium (Terzuolo, frazione in Robbiate).

see also