
unusual facts about Calendar date

Text normalization

Numbers, dates, acronyms, and abbreviations are non-standard "words" that need to be pronounced differently depending on context.

Core Foundation

The most prevalent use of Core Foundation is for passing its own primitive types for data, including raw bytes, Unicode strings, numbers, calendar dates, and UUIDs, as well as collections such as arrays, sets, and dictionaries, to numerous OS X C routines, primarily those that are GUI-related.

IBM Connections

Any non-section entity in an activity can contain rich-text and custom fields for files, links, text, people and dates.

see also

Fixed feast

A fixed feast is an annual celebration that is held on the same calendar date every year, such as Christmas, as distinguished from moveable feasts, such as Easter, whose calendar date varies.

Islamic calendar

Though Cook and Crone in Hagarism: The Making of the Islamic World cite a coin from 17 AH, the first surviving attested use of a Hijri calendar date alongside a date in another calendar (Coptic) is on a papyrus from Egypt in 22 AH, PERF 558.


On the samadhi site at Harnawa village there is an annual grand fair organized every year on the Hindu calendar date bhadva sudi teras, when devotees come from far off places.


For example, the calendar date changes, and a meal eaten now includes the new day's additions in Grace after Meals (except at the conclusion of the Sabbath).