
2 unusual facts about Javanese calendar

Batang Regency

Every "Jumat Kliwon" night (the night before a particular Friday, which coincides with the mystical fifth day of Kliwon of the Javanese calendar) people gather in the town square, creating a monthly festival with hundreds of street vendors selling goods.

Murder of Udin

Udin was born on 18 February 1963, a date considered unlucky in the Javanese calendar as it fell on a kliwon Monday.

Kambangan Island

One of the main cultural events is Sedekah Laut (sea sacrifice), which is held by the Surakarta Sultanate every new year in the Javanese calendar.


In Mantyasih stele, it mentioned the name of King Watukura Dyah Balitung, as well as 829 Çaka bulan Çaitra tanggal 11 Paro-Gelap Paringkelan Tungle, Pasaran Umanis hari Senais Sçara atau Sabtu, which means Saturday Legi, 11 April 907.


This is still in use today and superimposed with seven-day week of the Gregorian calendar and Islamic calendar to become what is known as the 35-day Wetonan Cycle.

see also