
6 unusual facts about Carmen Miranda

Billy doll

Billy and Carlos donned drag in 1999, with Billy dressed in a gingham checkered pantsuit as "Dolly" and Carlos as "Carmen" in a polka dot outfit reminiscent of those worn by Carmen Miranda.


Famous cariocas in English language film include Brazilian "bombshell" Carmen Miranda (a Portuguese woman who grew up in Rio de Janeiro) and her famous fruit hat appearing first in 1943 as part of the costume of a singer named Dorita in the film The Gang's All Here.

I Heard a Rumour

Group members Sara Dallin, Siobhan Fahey, and Keren Woodward are seen emulating various film stars, projected on screens behind them, by dressing up in various costumes, such as a cowgirl or Carmen Miranda.

Kitchen Kabaret

Bonnie Appetite, now in a Carmen Miranda-style carnival outfit, and perched upon a crescent moon that descends from the ceiling, sings "I simply have to tell you that my friends who are singing are...delectable!"

Marco Rizo

Throughout his career, he arranged for hundreds of top artists: Carmen Miranda, Danny Kaye, Xavier Cugat, Yma Sumac, and Paquito D’Rivera, among many others.

Nella Walker

Now later in her career, and over 60 years of age, she slowed her career for a time, not having another role until 1950 when she appeared in Nancy Goes to Rio alongside Ann Sothern and Carmen Miranda.

Ofelia Fox

It was there that Ofelia Fox first met many Hollywood stars and celebrities, such as Ava Gardner, Nat King Cole, Ernest Hemingway, Carmen Miranda and Tyrone Power.

see also