Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, a policy and research center in the United States
Carnegie Corporation of New York, a grantmaking foundation in the United States associated with libraries among other projects
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, a foreign-policy think tank based in Washington, D.C.
From 1936 till his death in 1942 he served as chairman of the Carnegie Foundation.
The Gates Foundation, Carnegie Foundation, Carnegie Corporation and others donated $100 million for bringing data to schools.
Carnegie Hall | National Science Foundation | Carnegie Mellon University | Ford Foundation | Rockefeller Foundation | Andrew Carnegie | John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation | Electronic Frontier Foundation | Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation | New York Foundation for the Arts | Mozilla Foundation | Guggenheim Foundation | Alexander von Humboldt Foundation | Carnegie Museum of Natural History | Andrew W. Mellon Foundation | Wikimedia Foundation | Carnegie Corporation of New York | Apache Software Foundation | foundation | Carnegie library | Make-A-Wish Foundation | John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Clinton Foundation | Carnegie Museum of Art | Open Software Foundation | Konex Foundation | Foundation series | Carnegie Endowment for International Peace | Dale Carnegie | Cystic Fibrosis Foundation |
The Carnegie Foundation was the first to fund ten universities with seed money to initiate the degree, and D.A. programs (though far fewer in number than those of the Ph.D.) are currently offered in many different disciplines at universities in the United States and in other parts of the world.
A public library, built with the aid of a grant from the Carnegie Foundation was opened Enfield Highway in 1910.
This research—funded in part by the Carnegie Foundation grant—coupled with her own experience provides the foundation of the book which seeks both to inform basic writing instructors and provide them with a means for approaching their students’ areas of weakness.
The Carnegie Foundation, the John D. Rockefeller family, and other northern philanthropists provided generous support for his idea.