
unusual facts about Casquette d'Afrique

Casquette d'Afrique

A famous Crimean photograph taken by Roger Fenton exists, showing a group of Chasseurs d'Afrique wearing their casquettes d'Afrique.


The channel is based in the business quarter close to the Banque Centrale des États de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (BCEAO) in the centre of Dakar.

Abu Zakariya Yahya al-Wattasi

Julien, Charles-André Julien, Histoire de l'Afrique du Nord, des origines à 1830, édition originale 1931, réédition 1961, Payot, Paris.


Afrique & Histoire, French peer-reviewed academic journal devoted to the study of African history

Aymeric Chauprade

Aymeric Chauprade co-organized with Jacques Frémeaux and Philippe Evanno in February 2013 a conference at the Sorbonne (University of Paris IV), entitled Menaces en Afrique du Nord et au Sahel et sécurité globale de l'Europe (Threats in North Africa and in the Sahel and overall security of Europe), the proceedings of which were published in April 2013 Ellipses Editions.

Battle of Balaclava

Additionally, the 1st Brigade under General Espinasse began to move, along with the divisional artillery and the Chasseurs d'Afrique.

Camp Boiro

The book Prison D'Afrique by Jean-Paul Alata, a survivor from the camp, was banned from publication in France and had to be printed in Belgium.

Central African CFA franc

It is issued by the BEAC (Banque des États de l'Afrique Centrale, "Bank of the Central African States"), located in Yaoundé, Cameroon, for the members of the CEMAC (Communauté Économique et Monétaire de l'Afrique Centrale, "Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa").


African Nations Championship, an African football tournament also known as CHampionnat Afrique de Nations.

Chasseurs d'Afrique

The Chass. d'Af. distinguished themselves by securing the flank of Lord Cardigan during the ill-fated Charge of the Light Brigade.

It was engaged in several battles during the taking of Toulon, in the Rhone valley, through Burgundy, Alsace, and in the Black Forest.

It is divided into one instruction squadron and three combat squadrons and is equipped with approximately 45 armoured vehicles.

Edmond Gustave Camus

Monographie des orchidées de l'Europe: de l'Afrique septentrionale, de l'Asie Mineure et des provinces Russes transcaspiennes (with Paul Bergon, Aimée Camus), 1908 – Monograph of orchids from Europe, northern Africa, Asia Minor and the Russian Trans-Caspian provinces.

Edward Warner Award

1972: ASECNA, Agence pour la Sécurité de la Navigation aérienne en Afrique et à Madagascar

François-Xavier Verschave

François-Xavier Verschave forged the term Françafrique as a parody of the term "France-Afrique" used by Félix Houphouët-Boigny, former president of Côte d'Ivoire (1960–1993), to boast the good relations between the imperial power and the newly independent countries.

Grégoire Owona

After the newspapers L'Anecdote and Nouvelles d'Afrique—as part of an effort to identify prominent individuals guilty of "deviant behavior"—reported that Owona and about 50 others were homosexuals, he filed a defamation suit in February 2006, along with two doctors who were also identified as homosexual.

John Joseph Hirth

The Catholic Encyclopedia of 1912 said the vicariate had about 2,500,000 pagans, 7,000 Catholics, 12,000 catechumens, 30 White Fathers; 23 lay brothers and six Missionary Sisters of Notre-Dame-d'Afrique.


Milele, which means "forever" in Swahili has performed alongside gospel artists like Andrae Crouch and Helen Baylor and recorded four albums, Forever, Level up, Afrique and their most recent recording, Monday.

Moussa Okanla

Démocratie et Gouvernance en Afrique : Etat des Lieux (in collaboration avec René Lemarchand, Abidjan : United States Information Service, Septembre 1996)

Musée national des Arts d'Afrique et d'Océanie

The Musée national des Arts d'Afrique et d'Océanie was a museum formerly located in the Palais de la Porte Dorée on the edge of the Bois de Vincennes at 293, avenue Daumesnil in the XIIe arrondissement, Paris, France.

Notre Dame d'Afrique

The basilica can be considered to be the counter-piece to the church of Notre-Dame de la Garde on the other side of the Mediterranean, in Marseille.

Osendé Afana

Osendé Afana went to Toulouse, France to study Economic Science, and by 1956 was a vice-president of the Black African Students Federation in France (Fédération des étudiants d'Afrique noire en France - FEANF), and was managing director of the FEANF organ L'Etudiant d'Afrique noire.

René Maheu

He was a cultural attaché in London (1936-1939) and after teaching in Morocco (1940–1942) during World War II, he occupied a managerial post in the France-Afrique press agency in Algiers, before joining the Executive Office of the Resident-General in Rabat.

The Planetworkshops

In Partnership with Point Afrique solidarités and the Pierre Rabhi Foundation, the Planetworkshops initiate a training center in agroecology located 150 km away from Niamey, at the Hotel La Tapoa.

see also