In 1999 she was described as providing "inspirational leadership" at the Royal Latin School by John Bercow MP, in the House of Commons.
It was reported that these changes were not received well, with one newspaper claiming that staff compared her to Alan Sugar.
In 2006 Galloway once again took the title of first female head teacher, this time at Methodist College Belfast.
Galloway | Dumfries and Galloway | George Galloway | Cecilia Bartoli | Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia | Saint Cecilia | Cecilia | Cecilia Gasdia | Santa Cecilia | Robin Galloway | Jeff Galloway | Cecilia Valdés | Randy Galloway | Joseph L. Galloway | Janice Galloway | Cecilia Frode | Cecilia Cheung | Bishop of Galloway | St. Cecilia's Abbey | Sir William Galloway | Orchestra dell'Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia | Lydia Cecilia Hill | Jim Galloway | Galloway cattle | Earl of Galloway | Don Galloway | Cecilia Vicuña | Cecilia Vennersten | Cecilia Tait | Cecilia Roth |