It is about a sexually frustrated housewife, Lisa (played by actress Lana Wood), who having been distanced from her husband (Don Galloway as Carl) begins having nightly trysts with an apparition that gradually takes on the form of a tall, dark stranger (played by Kabir Bedi of Octopussy) who turns out to be a ghost from the other side.
Don Quixote | Don Giovanni | Don Cherry | Don | Don (honorific) | Don Cheadle | Rostov-on-Don | Don Williams | Don Juan | Don Knotts | Don Imus | Don Carlos | Don Rickles | Don Omar | Don Henley | Galloway | Dumfries and Galloway | Salesians of Don Bosco | George Galloway | Don Johnson | Don Drysdale | Don Pasquale | Don Messick | Don Bluth | Don King (boxing promoter) | Don King | Don Shula | Don LaFontaine | Don Cherry (jazz) | Don Burrows |