
2 unusual facts about Cedel

Denis Robert

Robert is best known as co-author of "Révélation$", a book published by Les Arènes on 1 March 2001, which accused Cedel, later Clearstream, of a number of illegal financial activities, such as aiding and abetting money laundering, tax evasion et cetera.

Ramji Raghavan

Later he worked with the Europe based Cedel Group as Director and member of the Strategic Advisory Group.


Cedel |

Gérard Soisson

Whereas Soisson had refused numerous requests to open non-published accounts from such institutions as Chase Manhattan in New York, Chemical Bank of London and numerous subsidiaries of Citibank, Cedel opened hundreds of non-published accounts — all of them irregular — especially after the arrival of CEO André Lussi in 1990.

see also