
2 unusual facts about Denis Robert

Denis Robert

Robert is best known as co-author of "Révélation$", a book published by Les Arènes on 1 March 2001, which accused Cedel, later Clearstream, of a number of illegal financial activities, such as aiding and abetting money laundering, tax evasion et cetera.

Henry J. Leir

Three years after his death in 1998, Leir was featured prominently in the book Révélation$ (2001) by the investigative reporter Denis Robert and Ernest Backes, a former executive with the Luxembourg clearing bank Clearstream.

Jean de Maillard

He also co-signed a May 9, 2001 op-ed in Le Monde with Bernard Bertossa, attorney general in Geneva, Benoît Dejemeppe, king's attorney in Bruxelles (procureur du roi), Eva Joly, investigative magistrate in Paris, and Renaud van Ruymbeke, judge in Paris, entitled The 'black boxes' of financial globalization, that supported reporter Denis Robert in his investigations concerning the Clearstream Affair.

see also