
3 unusual facts about Celtic Christianity

Celtic Christianity

‘Some problems concerning the organisation of the Church in early medieval Ireland’, Peritia 3 (1984).

It was later used by the Church Fathers, in particular Saint Augustine of Hippo, who wrote that Christians should live a life of peregrinatio in the material world while awaiting the Kingdom of God.

The histories of the Irish, Welsh, Scots, Breton, Cornish, and Manx Churches diverge significantly after the eighth century (resulting in a great difference between even rival Irish traditions).

1874 in Wales

Richard Williams Morgan is consecrated First Patriarch of a restored Ancient British Church by Jules Ferrette, the founder of the British Orthodox Church, taking the religious name of 'Mar Pelagius I' and undertaking to revive Celtic Christianity as practised prior to the Synod of Whitby while continuing duties as an Anglican clergyman.

Celtic Catholic Church

It also traces its tradition back to Celtic Christianity and the mission that, according to medieval legend, Saint Joseph of Arimathea took to Glastonbury and the Celts in 36 AD.

Monkwearmouth–Jarrow Abbey

His idea was to build a model monastery for England, sharing his knowledge of the experience of the Roman traditions in an area previously more influenced by Celtic Christianity stemming from missionaries of Melrose and Iona.

Old Deer

It is a small manuscript of the Gospels in the Vulgate, fragments of the liturgy of the Celtic church, and notes, in the Gaelic script of the 12th century, referring to the charters of the ancient monastery, including a summary of that granted by David I of Scotland.

Saint Elen

Together with her sons, Cystennin and Peblig (Publicus, named in the calendar of the Church in Wales), she is said to have introduced into Wales the Celtic form of monasticism from Gaul.

see also