
6 unusual facts about Charles Blattberg

Charles Blattberg

 121–7; and Stéphane Courtois, "Une politique du bien commun au Canada est-elle possible?" International Journal of Canadian Studies, no. 42 (2010), pp.


Charles Blattberg has offered an account which distinguishes political ideologies from political philosophies.


The political philosopher Charles Blattberg has advanced a distinction between negotiation and conversation and criticized those methods of conflict-resolution which give too much weight to the former.

Political spectrum

Responses to conflict: according to the political philosopher Charles Blattberg, those who would respond to conflict with conversation should be considered as on the left, with negotiation as in the centre, and with force as on the right.

Shall We Dance

A Patriotic Politics for Canada, a 2003 book by Charles Blattberg

Stakeholder theory

The political philosopher Charles Blattberg has criticized stakeholder theory for assuming that the interests of the various stakeholders can be, at best, compromised or balanced against each other.

see also