
2 unusual facts about Ideology


The German cultural historian Silvio Vietta described how the development and expansion of Western rationality from ancient times onwards was often accompanied by and shaped by ideologies like that of the “just war”, the “true religion”, the ideology of racism, nationalism, or the eschatological vision of future history as a kind of heaven on earth in communism.

Charles Blattberg has offered an account which distinguishes political ideologies from political philosophies.

A Just Russia

The ideology does not eliminate the market but transfers power over the market from the oligarchs to the people.

Andrew Goatly

He is the author of The Language of Metaphors, and Critical Reading and Writing, published by Routledge, Washing the Brain: the hidden ideology of metaphor, published by John Benjamins, Explorations in Stylistics, published by Equinox and Meaning and Humour, published by Cambridge University Press.

Anna Zakletska-Burak

Since 2011, she has been a member of liberal ideology, Ukraine of the Future.

Arti Dhand

She has authored several publications including Woman as Fire, Woman as Sage: Sexual Ideology in the Mahabharata published in 2008 and numerous articles on topics such as "Engendering Brahmanirvanam in the Mahabharata: A Conversation between Suka and Sulabha," "Hinduism and Pedagogy: Teaching Hinduism to Hindus in the Canadian Diaspora," and "The Subversive Nature of Dharma in the Mahabharata: A Tale of Women, Smelly Ascetics, and God."

Beau Masque

According to Françoise Arnoul, (writing in her memoirs Animal doué de bonheur ISBN 2-7144-3244-1), Jane Fonda was the initial choice to play the role of Pierrette but Paramount-France grew less keen on the film the more they looked at it - they thought it too warm to communist ideology.

Bijoy Das

After coming overground, Bijoy said that "he will never leave the principles and ideology taught by Paresh Baruah" and "he fully support Paresh Baruah and his ideals only".

Cançoneret de Ripoll

Influenced by Cerverí de Girona, the chansonnier and its ideology serve as transition in the history of Catalan literature between the dominance of the troubadours and the new developments of Ausiàs March.

Chen Duxiu

Especially troubling to Chen was Hu's relationship with Liang Qichao (梁啟超), a supporter of the Duan Qirui (段祺瑞) government and their anti-new wave ideology, which made Chen greatly dissatisfied.


Ayn Rand, creator of the ideology Objectivism and a particularly vocal opponent of collectivism, argued that it led to totalitarianism.

Conservative movement

Conservative Judaism - A Jewish denomination, unrelated to political ideology.

Dorothy Rabinowitz

She described Mayor Michael Bloomberg as "autocratic" and "a practiced denier" and City Transportation Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan as "ideology-maddened".

Economic anthropology

Based on an improved translate, Jonathan Parry has demonstrated that Mauss was arguing that the concept of a "pure gift" given altruistically only emerges in societies with a well-developed market ideology.

Economic ideology

For instance, Anarchism cannot be said to be an economic ideology as such, because it has amongst others Anarcho-capitalism on the one hand and Anarcho-communism on the other as subcategories thereof, which are in themselves opposing ideological standpoints.

Economics of fascism

Feuer, Lewis S. "American Travelers to the Soviet Union 1917-1932: The Formation of a Component of New Deal Ideology." American Quarterly 14 (June 1962): 119-49.

Education in Azerbaijan

During the Soviet period, the Azerbaijani education system was based on the standard model imposed by Moscow, which featured state control of all education institutions and heavy doses of Marxist-Leninist ideology at all levels.

Education in Madagascar

The post-colonial backlash that brought about the Second Republic (1975–1992) saw schools serve as vehicles for citizen indoctrination into Admiral Didier Ratsiraka's socialist ideology.

Emilio Gentile

Emilio Gentile (born 1946 in Bojano) is an Italian historian specializing in the ideology and culture of fascism.

Fundamental Rights Agency

Brian Klug argues that this definition proscribed legitimate criticism of the human rights record of the Israeli Government by attempting to bring criticism of Israel into the category of antisemitism, and does not sufficiently distinguish between criticism of Israeli actions and criticism of Zionism as a political ideology, on the one hand, and racially based violence towards, discrimination against, or abuse of, Jews.


were a nationalist, initially paramilitary group operating within Austria during the 1920s and 1930s; they were similar in methods, organisation, and ideology to Germany's Freikorps.

History of the Arab Peoples

Considerable rigour is given to explanations of the rise of Arab nationalism, Salafism, Ba'athism and Islamism, although, as Ruthven notes in his afterword, much of the rise of the latter ideology took place after the book was published.


The idea behind Hlanganani was to unite both the Tsonga and Venda speakers who were separated by the Apartheid ideology in 1948 and was used as a resistance against Apartheid rule.

Ian Beale

Author Dorothy Hobson has described Ian as a typical Thatcher's child, a term used to reference children who grew up in the premiership of UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and who adopted the ideology of Thatcherism, such as personal financial gain, self-sufficiency and disregard of the welfare of those who are less well-off.

Iman Xin Chemjong

In a gesture that went against the grain of prevailing state ideology, King Tribhuvan invited Chemjong to join Nepal's Tribhuvan University in the capacity of "Limbu expert" in 1961.

Iurie Muntean

In March 2001, Iurie Muntean participated with journalists Constantin Tănase, Aneta Grosu, and the folk music singer Maria Sarabaş in a Romanian-Moldovan delegation to Atlanta, where Iurie Muntean danced Hora Unirii, which is contrary to his communist ideology.

Ivan Aralica

The most famous one is “Fukara” (Good for nothing) from 2002, a satirical-political attack on multiculturalist ideology as promulgated by controversial American billionaire George Soros.

Koreans in Japan

They teach a strong pro-North Korean ideology and allegiance to Kim Il-Sung, Kim Jong-Il and Kim Jong-un.

Martin Heidegger and Nazism

For commentators such as Habermas who credit Löwith's account, there are a number of generally shared implications: one is that Heidegger did not turn away from National Socialism per se but became deeply disaffected with the official philosophy and ideology of the party, as embodied by Alfred Bäumler or Alfred Rosenberg, whose biologistic racist doctrines he never accepted.

Michael Billig

This strand of work is shown in the collectively written work Ideological Dilemmas (1988 - with Condor, Edwards, Gane, Middleton and Radley), Banal Nationalism, and in his major study of ideology and the UK royal family, Talking of the Royal Family (1998, 2nd Edition).

Nayakuralu Nagamma

The differences in ideology led to Brahma Naidu leaving with his supporters, including Nalagama's half brother Malideva and set up an independent court in Macherla.

Nazi views on Catholicism

Richard J. Evans wrote that Hitler believed that in the long run National Socialism and religion would not be able to co-exist, and stressed repeatedly that Nazism was a secular ideology, founded on modern science: "Science, he declared, would easily destroy the last remaining vestiges of superstition".

Norman Fairclough

Fairclough's theories have been influenced by Mikhail Bakhtin and Michael Halliday on the linguistic field, and ideology theorists such as Antonio Gramsci, Louis Althusser, Michel Foucault and Pierre Bourdieu on the sociological one.

Oh Kil-nam

Instead of receiving the promised medical treatment, he and his wife were held at a military camp and forced to study the Juche ideology of Kim Il-sung, then employed making propaganda broadcasts to South Korea.

Oi Thalassies oi Hadres

It also demonstrates the liberation of women, as part of the feministic ideology that arrives in Greece, as the main female character of the movie is a young woman from the upper class, who forms her own cohort along with her female friends and brings new mores in an old-fashioned local society.


Pan-Arabism is an ideology espousing the unification of the countries of the Arab world, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Arabian Sea.

Participatory politics

Both Parecon and Parpolity together make up the libertarian socialist ideology of Participism; this has significantly informed the interim International Organization for a Participatory Society.

Population pyramid

Gunnar Heinsohn (2003) argues that an excess in especially young adult male population predictably leads to social unrest, war and terrorism, as the "third and fourth sons" that find no prestigious positions in their existing societies rationalize their impetus to compete by religion or political ideology.


Post-Zionism refers to the opinions of some Israelis, diaspora Jews and others, particularly in academia, that Zionism has fulfilled its ideological mission with the creation of the modern State of Israel in 1948, and that Zionist ideology should therefore be considered at an end.

Ram Chandra Vikal

Vikal was influenced by the ideology of the Arya Samaj from childhood and participated in the freedom movement from his student days.

Roberto Noble

Born to privilege in the city of La Plata, Roberto Noble developed a socialist ideology as an adolescent, having already earned some renown by 1918 agitating for the movement to reform Argentina's university system, whose curriculum had hitherto been largely dictated by conservative Catholics.

Sarat Chandra Chakravarty

The latter introduced him to the ideology of Sri Ramakrishna and took him to Dakshineswar temple and to Alambazar Math where he met many direct monastic disciples of Sri Ramakrishna, like Swami Brahmananda, Swami Turyiananda, Swami Ramakrishnananda, Swami Niranjanananda and Swami Premananda.

Silent Gunpowder

Based on a novel by Branko Ćopić and set during World War II, the film tells the story of a Serbian village in the mountains of Bosnia and its villagers who found themselves divided along two opposing ideological lines, represented by the Chetniks and the Partisans.

Social alienation

Stirner would take the analysis further in The Ego and Its Own (1844), declaring that even 'humanity' is an alienating ideal for the individual, to which Marx and Engels responded in The German Ideology (1845).

Stanley Aronowitz

With Fredric Jameson and John Brenkman, he is a founding editor of Duke University's Social Text, a journal that is subtitled "Theory, Culture, Ideology."

Sven Lindqvist

His later works, from the late 1980s, tend to focus on the subjects of European imperialism, colonialism, racism, genocide and war, analysing the place of these phenomena in Western thought, social history and ideology.


In Kyrgyzstan, Tengrism was suggested as a Pan-Turkic national ideology following the 2005 presidential elections by an ideological committee chaired by state secretary Dastan Sarygulov.

Thomas G. Dunn

His staunch conservative ideology, dubious ethical standing and irascible personality earned Dunn a spirited primary election challenge from progressive Democrat James J. Devine when he ran for the General Assembly in 1991.

Valerio Adami

In 1975, the philosopher Jacques Derrida devoted a long essay, "+R: Into the Bargain", to Adami's work, using an exhibition of Adami's drawings as a pretext to discuss the function of "the letter and the proper name in painting", with reference to "narration, technical reproduction, ideology, the phoneme, the biographeme, and politics".

Vinko Pribojević

It was the first time that such ideology was formulated as a program, which was further developed by the Croats Mavro Orbini and Juraj Križanić.

Zhonghua minzu

The theory behind the ideology of Zhonghua minzu is that it includes not only the Han but also other minority ethnic groups within China, such as the Mongols, Manchus, Hmong, Tibetans, Tuvans, etc.

see also