Charles C. Lynch, former owner of a Morro Bay, California medical marijuana dispensary
Consequently, Colonel Charles Lynch made an agreement with Bastrop for an interest in this purchase.
Charles Lynch, bureau chief of Southam News, suggested the Munsinger affair might change Canada's "dull and unexciting" image, and promote the upcoming Expo '67.
Charles Darwin | Charles Dickens | Charles, Prince of Wales | Ray Charles | Charles II of England | Charles I of England | Charles Lindbergh | Charles de Gaulle | David Lynch | Charles II | Charles | Charles I | Merrill Lynch | Prince Charles | Charles V | Charles Scribner's Sons | Charles Aznavour | Charles University in Prague | Charles Stanley | Charles Bukowski | Charles Mingus | Charles Ives | Charles Bronson | Charles Babbage | Charles III of Spain | Charles Cornwallis, 1st Marquess Cornwallis | Charles Baudelaire | Charles Sanders Peirce | Charles River | Charles Manson |