
72 unusual facts about Charles darwin


In the case of Angraecum sesquipedale, a species from Madagascar, on observing the 30 cm spur in the lip, Charles Darwin made the hypothesis that, since the nectar was at the bottom of the spur, a pollinator must exist with a tongue at least that long.

Annesley Hall, Nottinghamshire

Their teenage son, Charles Musters, sailed as a Volunteer 1st Class aboard HMS Beagle with Charles Darwin, but died of malaria in South America on May 19, 1832.

Annie Montgomerie Martin

Annie was born in Birmingham, England, the third child and second daughter of Ann (1809–1901), née Thornton, and Edward (1807–1894) Martin, distantly related to Charles Darwin.

Anthropological Society of London

The members of the Ethnological Society were, on the whole, inclined to believe that humans were shaped by their environment; when Charles Darwin published his theory of evolution by natural selection, they supported it.

Bahia Wulaia

The naturalist Charles Darwin and Vice-Admiral FitzRoy of the HMS Beagle encountered the Yahgan at this site in 1831.

Bernard Darwin

Bernard Richard Meirion Darwin CBE JP (7 September 1876 – 18 October 1961) a grandson of the British naturalist Charles Darwin, was a golf writer and high-standard amateur golfer.

Botanical Garden of Faial

The collection includes common and hybrid varieties of Cattleyas, Vandas, Lael, Gongora, Stanhopea, Milton, Epidendros, Dendrobii, among others, including a rare specie from the island of Madagascar that contributed to Charles Darwin's theory of evolution.

Braće Jerković

Northern border to Dušanovac and Marinkova Bara, just as it case with many neighborhoods of Belgrade, can not be clearly established, though majority of city maps place it between the Darvinova and Ignjata Joba streets...

Bruce Jesson

He was educated at Christchurch Boys' High School (where he read Darwin's Origin of Species while a "lab boy" in the biology laboratory and became an atheist) and the University of Canterbury, where he gained a Bachelor's degree in law.


At first, taxonomists even thought they were dealing with different species, a puzzle which Charles Darwin resolved when writing Fertilisation of Orchids.

Catherine Sedley, Countess of Dorchester

Through her son, Charles, Lord Portmore, she was the grandmother of Elizabeth Collier, wife of Dr Erasmus Darwin, the physician, scientist, poet and grandfather of Charles Darwin.

Cerro La Campana

When the second survey voyage of HMS Beagle arrived at Valparaiso on 23 July 1834, Charles Darwin took residence ashore to explore the area.

Cherokee-class brig-sloop

The best known of the class was HMS Beagle, converted in 1825 into a three-masted exploration vessel for its first survey voyage, then considerably modified for the second voyage with Charles Darwin on board as a gentleman naturalist.

Coleophora darwini

The species is named after Charles Darwin, whose visit to the Galápagos Islands fostered his ideas on natural selection.

Conway-class corvette

She recommissioned in 1835 for the Pacific, and during this time she carried some of Charles Darwin's letters and specimens back to the United Kingdom.


Charles Darwin describes his observations and experiments on some species of Coryanthes in his book The Various Contrivances by which Orchids are Fertilized by Insects.

Cyril Bibby

Indeed, David Rubinstein has said "If Huxley was Darwin's bulldog, then Cyril Bibby was Huxley's bulldog".

Darwin Cubillán

He played using his first name "Darwin", because his last name Cubillán sounds like "Kubi yan" (クビやん) meaning "He is fired, isn't he?" in Japanese Kansai dialect, and "Darwin" has the same spelling as the last name of an English naturalist, Charles Darwin.

Darwin Information Typing Architecture

Darwin: it uses the principles of specialization and inheritance, which is in some ways analogous to the naturalist Charles Darwin's concept of evolutionary adaptation.

Darwin Song Project

It features folk artists from the UK and North America, who were tasked with the creation of new songs that had a "resonance and relevance to Charles Darwin".

Darwin, Illinois

Darwin, Illinois, was named for English naturalist Charles Darwin.

Dover, Pennsylvania

:The Pennsylvania Academic Standards require students to learn about Darwin's Theory of Evolution and eventually to take a standardized test of which evolution is a part.

Edward John Carnell

A further element of controversy for Christians at that time arose in the wake of the theory of evolution as propounded in 1859 by Charles Darwin.

Edward Vischer

In 1835, he visited Peru on business, where he lived with artist Mauritius Rugendas and met Charles Darwin.

Elinor Darwin

She married Bernard Darwin, the golf writer grandson of the British naturalist Charles Darwin in 1906.

Emily Jane Pfeiffer

After reading Charles Darwin's Descent of Man (1871), Pfeiffer wrote to Darwin to question his description of sexual selection; she took issue with the idea that birds had sufficient aesthetic sophistication to select their partners based on beauty.

Evolution: The Musical!

"The Beasties" take advantage of this opportunity, and close in on "The Blesseds." At this point, Charles Darwin, appears and stops "The Beasties" in a similar fashion.


The name Fink is German for finch and is a reference to the name of the Mac OS X core, Darwin; Charles Darwin's study of diversity among finches led him eventually to the concept of evolution.

Fringing reef

Darwin believed that fringing reefs are the first kind of reefs to form around a landmass in a long-term reef growth process.

Galápagos syndrome

The term is a reference to similar phenomena Charles Darwin encountered in the Galápagos Islands, with its isolated flora and fauna, which were key observations in the development of Evolutionary Theory.

Gerard Corley Smith

The first council meeting he attended was in England, at Down House, Darwin's former home, where members saw in the tall, silver-haired and distinguished-looking former diplomat a remarkable likeness to the portrait there of T. H. Huxley.

Gorse in New Zealand

Introduced from Western Europe in the very early stages of European settlement, it was recorded by Charles Darwin during his voyage through New Zealand waters in 1835 as growing in hedges in the Bay of Islands.

Head shake

An early survey of head shake and other gestures was The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, written by Charles Darwin in 1872.

Iain McCalman

'Darwin's Armada', published in 2009, the 200th anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin, examines the sea voyages of four naturalists, Darwin himself, Joseph Hooker, Thomas Huxley, and Alfred Wallace, and their subsequent roles in the controversy surrounding the publication of On the Origin of Species.

Jean Baptiste Julien d'Omalius d'Halloy

In the third edition of On the Origin of Species published in 1861, Charles Darwin added a Historical Sketch giving due credit to naturalists who had preceded him in publishing the opinion that species undergo modification, and that the existing forms of life have descended by true generation from pre-existing forms.

John Denison Baldwin

Baldwin conducted correspondence with many notable thinkers of his time, including Ralph Waldo Emerson, Charles Darwin, James Russell Lowell, and particularly his friend Charles Sumner.

Knowle Hospital

For about a year, in 1857/58, the head gardener at Knowle, Henry Coe, engaged in a personal correspondence with Charles Darwin concerning horticultural matters, especially about the cultivation of kidney beans.

Lois Darling

In 1959 she became involved in work to commemorate the centenary of Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species and she was intrigued by the ship that had carried Darwin on his original research.

Margaret Spencer

If they were Margaret's biological grandchildren, then her descendants include Charles Darwin, Winston Churchill, Elizabeth II and Diana, Princess of Wales.

Matanzas, Chile

The islets of Lobos and Pajaros provide a nesting ground for several species and the English scientist Charles Darwin discovered 31 species around Matanzas in his 1846 analysis of the Navidad Formation.

Men, Microscopes, and Living Things

Shippen traces the history of biological thought beginning with Aristotle and followed by Pliny, Linnaeus, Cuvier, Lamarck, Darwin, and several others.

Mirza Abutaleb Zanjani

He also had knowledge of ideas of his contemporary European intellects such as Thomas Malthus and Charles Darwin, and used their views in his essays.

Monkey Town

However, things bounce out of normal range when her father, the school board chairman, arrests local teacher (and Frances' friend and love interest) John Scopes for teaching Charles Darwin's evolution theory in class, in an effort to attract publicity to the town.

Moral treatment

This tradition of medical materialism found a ready partner in the Lamarckian biology purveyed by the naturalist Robert Edmond Grant (1793–1874) who exercised a striking influence on the young Charles Darwin during his time as a medical student in Edinburgh in 1826/1827.

Mount Darwin, Zimbabwe

Mount Darwin was named by the hunter and explorer Frederick Courtney Selous after the British naturalist Charles Darwin, author of The Origin of Species

Mount Lyell

:Note - the Mountains named after Charles Lyell were done so in the nineteenth century during the controversy about Charles Darwin's theory of evolution.

Mount Santubong

A year later, Wallace left Sarawak and wrote another article on evolution based on his years of observation in the Far East, that was sent to Charles Darwin and was presented together with his theory at the Linnean Society of London.

Oscar Gustave Rejlander

In 1872 his photography illustrated Darwin's classic treatise on The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals and this association with Darwin lifted Rejlander out of the common run of Victorian photographers - his work became known by prominent scientists and intellectuals of the day, including Sir James Crichton-Browne and Dr Hugh Diamond.

Paso del Rey

In fact, Charles Darwin could have crossed the ford in his journey from Buenos Aires to Luján on September 27 1833 (the only alternative crossing was a wooden bridge known as Puente de Márquez, 4.5 km north).

Paul Adolphe Rajon

He etched both contemporary works and Old Masters as well as portraits, including ones of Ivan Turgenev, Théophile Gautier, J.S. Mill, Charles Darwin and Alfred, Lord Tennyson.

Pegwell Bay, Kent – a Recollection of October 5th 1858

The beach was frequented by Charles Darwin and his family, and On the Origin of Species was published in 1859, while Dyce was working on the painting.

Phan Bội Châu

He became familiar with the works of famed European thinkers, such as Voltaire, Rousseau and Darwin.

Pinaleno Mountains

This is similar to what Charles Darwin discovered with species he collected from different islands in the Galápagos, a discovery that played a major role in his theory of natural selection.

Puente del Inca

In March 1835, Charles Darwin visited this natural marvel, and made some drawings of the bridge with great stalactites.

Rada Tilly

The area was first populated at least 9,000 years ago, and was first recorded by Captain Robert FitzRoy during his voyage on the HMS Beagle in the early 1830s (best known for its impact on the naturalist Charles Darwin).

Religious explanations of gravity

Religious explanations of gravity invoking the direct intervention of God span several hundred years: Isaac Newton suggested divine intervention to stabilize orbital motion, but in the mid 19th century Charles Darwin clearly felt that such an approach would not be countenanced by contemporary astronomers.

Renzo Novatore

And so he is critical of thinkers such as "Darwin, Comte, Spencer and Marx" which he sees as sociologists who will tend to not being "able to understand the varied, the particular,... sacrifices the one or the other on the altar of the universal."

Riverhill House

A keen botanist and a contemporary of Charles Darwin, Rogers purchased the property because of its sheltered location and lime-free soil.

San Cristóbal Vermilion Flycatcher

The taxon was discovered during Charles Darwin's Galapagos voyage in 1835 and described as full species Pyrocephalus dubius by John Gould in 1839.

Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey

In the March 2009 issue of Council’s popular scientific periodical “Bilim ve Teknik”, the initially planned cover story commemorating the 200th Birthday of Charles Darwin was retracted after a last minute decision by the board of directors proclaimed as the result of missing links in editorial processes and procedures.

Shrewsbury Unitarian Church

Charles Darwin worshipped at the church until he was eight years of age when his mother died in 1817.

Silver Street, Cambridge

Gwen Raverat (1885–1957, née Darwin, granddaughter of the naturalist Charles Darwin) was a wood engraver, artist, and illustrator, who co-founded the Society of Wood Engravers.

Sir Richard Fletcher, 1st Baronet

His eldest son died without issue and one of his five daughters – Harriet – married the Rev. William Darwin Fox, a second cousin of Charles Darwin.

Social history of the piano

Following her marriage to Charles Darwin, Emma still played the piano daily, while her husband listened appreciatively.

Space Invaders Infinity Gene

However, this soon gives way to Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, setting the tone for the remainder of the game.

The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate

One day, noticing two different types of grasshoppers in the lawn around the house, Callie decides to find a copy of the infamous "Origin of the Species" by Mr. Charles Darwin.

Tomorrow, in a Year

Tomorrow, In a Year is the studio version of the music commissioned by the Danish performance group Hotel Pro Forma for its opera based on Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species.

Too Big to Know

Weinberger discusses topics such as expertise, echo chambers, open government, the WELL, Debian, the U.S. Army's Center for the Advancement of Leader Development and Organizational Learning; and the writing of Charles Darwin (On the Origin of Species) and Nicholas G. Carr ("Is Google Making Us Stoopid?").

United States House of Representatives elections in Georgia, 2012

In response to this, and as Broun is also on the House Science Committee, libertarian radio talk show host Neil Boortz spearheaded a campaign to run deceased biologist Charles Darwin against Broun as the Democrat candidate, with the intention of drawing attention to these comments from the scientific community and having him removed from his post on the House Science Committee.

Wallace, California

John Wallace was also an elder brother of Alfred Russel Wallace, a leading 19th century British naturalist who independently developed a theory of natural selection around the same time as Charles Darwin.

Walter Arthur Berendsohn

"Zwischen Theorie und Glauben - Disparate Tendenzen im Monismus", in A. E. Lenz and Volker Müller (eds.), Darwin, Haeckel und die Folgen: Monismus in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart.

Young Einstein

He invents rock and roll and uses it to save the world from being destroyed due to misuse of a nuclear reactor under the watchful eye of Charles Darwin.

Ameen Rihani

He eventually became familiar with the writings of Shakespeare, Hugo, Darwin, Huxley, Spencer, Whitman, Tolstoy, Voltaire, Thoreau, Emerson and Byron, to name a few.


The roads on the estate take their names from discoverers and inventors such as George Stephenson, Edward Jenner, Thomas Edison and Charles Darwin.

City Botanic Gardens

The Gardens were also the home for over 100 years for 'Harriet', a tortoise reportedly collected by Charles Darwin during his visit to the Galápagos Islands in 1835 and donated to the Gardens in 1860 by John Clements Wickham, former commander of the HMS Beagle and later 'Government Resident' for Moreton Bay.

Darwin: The Life of a Tormented Evolutionist

Darwin: The Life of a Tormented Evolutionist is a biography of Charles Darwin by Adrian Desmond and James Moore.

Darwin's Rhea

The specific name was bestowed in 1834 by Darwin's contemporary and rival Alcide d'Orbigny who first described the bird to Europeans, from a specimen from the lower Río Negro south of Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci, Girl with a Pearl Earring by Johannes Vermeer, the works of Charles Darwin and Isaac Newton and the music of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart are some of the highlights on Europeana.

Exploring Reality

Human Nature he notes that Charles Kingsley and Frederick Temple welcomed Charles Darwin's insights, which also implied a level of continuity between humans and other animals.

Floral symmetry

Charles Darwin explored peloria in Antirrhinum (snapdragon) while researching the inheritance of floral characteristics for his The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication.

God's utility function

Dawkins first recounts a famous religious dilemma experienced by Charles Darwin, "I cannot persuade myself that a beneficent and omnipotent God would have designedly created the Ichneumonidae with the express intention of their feeding within the living bodies of Caterpillars." We ask why a caterpillar should suffer such cruel punishment.


To prove this thesis Galton collected data showing that genius clusters in what he termed “Notable Family Lines”, such as those of Bernoulli, Cassini, Darwin, Herschel, and Jussieu in science, or Bach in music.

Hedley Atkins

In 1953 he and his wife moved into Down House in Downe, Kent in 1962 to be honorary curator of the Charles Darwin museum there.

Johannes Vogel

In 2003 he married Sarah Darwin, a great-great-granddaughter of the naturalist Charles Darwin; they have two sons Leo Erasmus Darwin Vogel (born 2003) and Josiah Algy Darwin Vogel (born 2005).

Johngarthia lagostoma

Many subsequent voyages halted at Ascension Island, and many visitors commented on the land crabs they found there, including William Dampier, Charles Darwin and Charles Wyville Thomson.

Nepean River

Charles Darwin also wrote of people (Aborigines) at Emu Ford, commenting on their skill with spears, while Watkin Tench of the Royal Marines also noted their use of spears, lines and nets to capture fish.

Patagonian weasel

An early mention of the animal is in the Journal of Syms Covington, who sailed with Charles Darwin on his epic voyage aboard the HMS Beagle.


The genus name is an Inuktitut word for a young seal; the species name honours the English naturalist Charles Darwin.

Reginald Hawthorn Hooker

Reginald Hawthorn Hooker was born at Kew the fourth son of Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker, the distinguished botanist and friend of Charles Darwin and his first wife Frances Harriet Henslow (1825–1874), daughter of John Stevens Henslow.

Sawtry Community College

St Andrews and St Judith are then split into 6 houses: Royce, Sinclair, Keynes, Darwin, Eliot and Clarkson.

Svetozar Marković

By this time the ideas of Nikolay Stankevich, N. G. Chernyshevsky, Nikolay Dobrolyubov, Pisarev and other Russian revolutionary democrats, the materialistic philosophies of Ludwig Buchner, Karl Vogt, and Jacob Moleschott, and the revolutionary theories of Darwin and Herbert Spencer had gained considerable ground among Serbian intellectuals.

The Beak of the Finch

The species are so distinct that when Charles Darwin collected them in the islands he thought they were completely different birds, and it was only when he was back in London in 1837 that the ornithologist John Gould revealed that they were closely allied, reinforcing Darwin's growing view that “species are not immutable.”