
unusual facts about Chemical weapons

Al-Anfal Campaign

:b) the widespread use of chemical weapons, including mustard gas and the nerve agent GB, or sarin, against the town of Halabja as well as dozens of Kurdish villages, killing many thousands of people, mainly women and children;

Sardasht, West Azerbaijan

It was the first city in which civilians were attacked with chemical weapons by Saddam Hussein during the Iran–Iraq War.

Stanislav Lunev

According to Lunev, a probable scenario in the event of war would have been poisoning the Potomac River with chemical or biological weapons, "targeting the residents of Washington DC".

see also

2013 Nobel Peace Prize

Pakistani politician Imran Khan called on the USA and Russia to destroy their own chemical weapons.

Destruction of chemical weapons

The Pine Bluff Arsenal is a former chemical weapons production, storage and disposal site located in southeastern Arkansas.

George P. Fletcher

He was an expert witness in the Agent Orange case, presenting evidence for the court that the use of chemical weapons violates international law.

Kurdistan Islamist Conflict

American intelligence personnel inspected the suspected chemical weapons site in Sargat and discovered traces of Ricin in the ruins, as well as potassium chloride.

Monica Novotny

In the U.S., she reported on President Clinton’s impeachment, the risks of a chemical weapons incinerator in Utah, Election Night 1996 in Little Rock and the Clinton-Dole debate.

Operation Cauldron

In 1994, the then MP for the area Calum Macdonald called on Defence Secretary Malcolm Rifkind to intervene to commission an independent report on the test exercises Operations Cauldron and Hesperus in 1952 and 1953, and all similar chemical weapons tests


It is easily absorbed through skin, and was used as an assassination weapon by the apartheid-era South African chemical weapons program Project Coast.

Pueblo Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant

Public Law 99-145 designates the U.S. Army responsible for the destruction of the U.S. chemical weapons stockpile.

Raymond Davis, Jr.

Davis spent most of the war years at Dugway Proving Ground, Utah observing the results of chemical weapons tests and exploring the Great Salt Lake basin for evidence of its predecessor, Lake Bonneville.

Tehran peace museum

On June 29, 2011, concurrent with the anniversary of the gas attack on the city of Sardasht in 1987 and the Day of Campaign against Chemical Weapons, the new building of the Tehran Peace Museum was officially opened for public.

United States and weapons of mass destruction

Chemical weapons were not used by the U.S. or the other Allies, during World War II; however, quantities of such weapons were deployed to Europe for use in case Germany initiated chemical warfare.