Whereas Soisson had refused numerous requests to open non-published accounts from such institutions as Chase Manhattan in New York, Chemical Bank of London and numerous subsidiaries of Citibank, Cedel opened hundreds of non-published accounts — all of them irregular — especially after the arrival of CEO André Lussi in 1990.
After graduating from college he worked for Chemical Bank in the early 1950s and later worked for a company that would later become part of Citibank.
World Bank | Bank of America | West Bank | Deutsche Bank | Bank of England | International Bank for Reconstruction and Development | Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons | My Chemical Romance | African Development Bank | Imperial Chemical Industries | American Chemical Society | Asian Development Bank | The Chemical Brothers | Inter-American Development Bank | chemical | bank | South Bank | Lloyds Bank | Chemical element | Lloyds Bank (historic) | European Bank for Reconstruction and Development | National Australia Bank | chemical engineering | Chemical compound | Chase (bank) | West African Development Bank | State Bank of India | Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce | Royal Bank of Canada | Commonwealth Bank |
His numerous other offices included Commodore of the New York Yacht Club, chairman of the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, and directorships of Chemical Bank, Chubb, Abercrombie & Fitch, and other companies.
The Sonny Bloch Show featured such prominent guests as Chemical Bank's Irwin Kellner and Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan.
Balthazar P. Melick (1770-1835), also known as Baltus P. Melick, founder of Chemical Bank and Melick & Burger