
2 unusual facts about Chemical Bank

Gérard Soisson

Whereas Soisson had refused numerous requests to open non-published accounts from such institutions as Chase Manhattan in New York, Chemical Bank of London and numerous subsidiaries of Citibank, Cedel opened hundreds of non-published accounts — all of them irregular — especially after the arrival of CEO André Lussi in 1990.

Henry B. R. Brown

After graduating from college he worked for Chemical Bank in the early 1950s and later worked for a company that would later become part of Citibank.

Emil Mosbacher

His numerous other offices included Commodore of the New York Yacht Club, chairman of the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, and directorships of Chemical Bank, Chubb, Abercrombie & Fitch, and other companies.

Sonny Bloch

The Sonny Bloch Show featured such prominent guests as Chemical Bank's Irwin Kellner and Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan.

see also


Balthazar P. Melick (1770-1835), also known as Baltus P. Melick, founder of Chemical Bank and Melick & Burger