
unusual facts about Chernobyl: The Final Warning

Kursk Nuclear Power Plant

The Kursk Nuclear Power Plant and the neighbouring town of Kurchatov stood in for the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and Pripyat for the production of the 1991 American television movie Chernobyl: The Final Warning.

Aaron Bank

The consequence could be a Chernobyl-type accident, whereby the damaged plant would spew radioactivity into the atmosphere and contaminate thousands of square miles, including the nearby Los Angeles basin.

Ann Sanders

Sanders joined the national morning news program 11AM in 1990 and travelled to Chernobyl, reporting on the radiation fall-out disaster.

Belene Nuclear Power Plant

Concerns regarding the construction of the plant have mainly been felt in nearby Romania, with articles in the newspapers such as Cotidianul, România Liberă and Ziarul even going as far as comparing the project with Chernobyl despite a new generation of VVER reactors is to be used, and not the cheaper graphite-moderated RBMK series like Chernobyl's.


The setting, where a coal miner is caught in a nuclear accident, a hammer and sickle visible on the game's opening screen, and the game's title (Chernobyl is written チェルノブイリ in Japanese) led many to interpret the game as a tasteless parody of the Chernobyl disaster.

Chernobyl Shelter Fund

The main objective of the SIP, developed in a co-operative effort between the European Union, the United States and Ukraine, is to protect the personnel, population and environment from the threat of the huge radioactive inventory of the Chernobyl Unit 4 Shelter.

Daniel Berehulak

After covering Iraq and Chernobyl, he has recently been concerned with Pakistan, where he interviewed Benazir Bhutto shortly before her death, and India, including the elections.


It is also used where radiation is unexpected, such as in the aftermath of the Three Mile Island, Chernobyl or Fukishima radiological release incidents, where the public dose is measured and calculated from a variety of indicators such as ambient measurements of radiation and radioactive contamination.

Hans Joachim Schliep

From 1991 he was the coordinator and manager of the national Church Help for Chernobyl Children (since 1994: AG Hilfe für Tschernobylkinder).

Hasidic Judaism

The Bolshevik revolution and the rise of Communism in Russia saw the disintegration of the Hasidic centers such as Lubavitch, Breslov, Chernobyl and Ruzhin.

Keith Gessen

In 2005, Dalkey Archive Press published Gessen's translation of Svetlana Alexievich's Tchernobylskaia Molitva (Voices from Chernobyl), an oral history of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster.

Krista van Velzen

In subsequent years, she was active in the 10 years after Chernobyl campaign and with the campaign by Czech environmentalists against the construction of the Temelín Nuclear Power Station.

Munchie Strikes Back

The tribunal proceeds to blame Munchie for a number of historical calamities, including the sinking of Atlantis, the crash of the Hindenburg, the catacylism of Vesuvius, the meltdown of Chernobyl.

New York Eye and Ear Infirmary

As of 2009, the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary is working in partnership with "Project Chernobyl", to diagnose and treat thyroid cancer associated with radiation exposure from the Chernobyl disaster, which can take decades to develop.


On 31 March 2010 Michael Larabel announced he was going to take a trip to the Chernobyl disaster site, and that he would post high-definition photographs of the area on Phoronix or potentially a new Phoronix Media website.

Roger Gimbel

Many of Gimbel's television films dealt with real-life events, including Chernobyl: The Final Warning, S.O.S. Titanic, The Amazing Howard Hughes and The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky

Scar nearly catches Strelok in the Red Forest, only for him to escape into a tunnel leading towards Chernobyl, which is immediately collapsed behind him by an explosion.

Samah Selim

Mohamed Makhzangi, Memories of a Meltdown: An Egyptian Between Moscow and Chernobyl

Shigeru Nakanishi

This series of paintings covered war-torn and deserted cities such as Sarajevo, Belgrade, Chernobyl, and Auschwitz.

Trolley Books

Major publications include Recollections and Agent Orange by Philip Jones Griffiths, Homeland and Purple Hearts: Back from Iraq by Nina Berman, Kurds – Through The Photographer’s Lens by the KHRP and The Delfina Foundation, Chernobyl – The Hidden Legacy by Pierpaolo Mittica and New Londoners – Reflections on Home by the charity Photovoice in association with 12 young refugees, living in London.

Twilight Struggle

Late War events, such as Chernobyl (preventing the Soviets deploying extra influence to a given region, usually Europe, that turn), the Iron Lady (reducing Soviet influence in western Europe), "Tear Down This Wall", and Solidarity, help the USA to expand her influence in Europe, especially the key battleground state of Poland, and the unrest in Soviet-aligned Eastern Europe becomes more severe as well.

see also