Carol (Cheryl Pepsii Riley) is a single mother raising two teenagers: Tony (Donny Sykes), who is studious and participates in gospel choir; and Lisa (Tamar Davis), who is rebellious and refuses to attend church.
"Thanks for My Child" is a 1988 debut single by Cheryl Pepsii Riley.
Terry Riley | James Whitcomb Riley | Bridget Riley | Bob Riley | Cheryl Miller | Baba O'Riley | Cheryl Cole | Teddy Riley | Richard Riley | Pat Riley | Fort Riley | Christopher O'Riley | Cheryl Wheeler | Cheryl Torrenueva | Cheryl Tiegs | Riley | Paul Riley | Old Mother Riley | Mike Riley | Cheryl Wagner | Cheryl Ladd | Amber Riley | Mike Riley (referee) | Marc Riley | Kevin Riley | Jeannie C. Riley | Cheryl Strayed | Cheryl Pepsii Riley | Cheryl Morgan | Cheryl Kernot |