
unusual facts about Chiloé Archipelago

Monographia Chalciditum

Part I In this Walker describes "species collected by C. Darwin Esq. These are from Australia :-Hobart's Town, Van Diemen's Land, King George Sound and Sydney, New South Wales; Part II Bahia, Brazil; Part III Chiloe; Part IV Charle's Island, Galapagos; Part V New Zealand; Part VI Jame's Island, Part VII St. Helena, high central land.

Brewster–Sanford Expedition

1914 saw the Becks working their way southwards along the Chilean coast to the Chiloé Archipelago and then, in July, to Magallanes Province.


Caguach or Cahuach is one of the most well-known smaller islands of the Chiloé Archipelago, in the south of Chile, forming part of the commune of Quinchao.


Pueblo Dalcahue took its name from large numbers of dalcas washed ashore en route to Quinchao, in the Chiloé Archipelago.

see also