This was a strongly proselytizing church influenced by Plymouth Brethren ideas of church polity, rather exclusivist and often in conflict with denominational and mission churches.
Pentecostalism stresses the "Baptism of the Holy Spirit" and the use of supernatural spiritual gifts such as prophecy, healing, and speaking in unknown tongues, and is fired by a strong millennialism (expecting the return of Christ at any moment; this feature was also characteristic of many others of the newer mission groups (especially Holiness and Adventist ones).
From the mid-1920s onward Watchman Nee, strongly influenced by Plymouth Brethren ideas (especially premillennialism) but also by a stress on the Holy Spirit derived from the Holiness tradition, was an inspiring and compelling teacher.
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The Chongqing Chinese Self-supporting Methodist Church (Chinese: 重庆中华基督教自养美道会) is an independent Chinese Christian church founded in Chongqing by Liu Ziru (刘子如, 1870–1948) in 1915.