
unusual facts about Chinese medicine

Chinatown, Chicago

Chicago's Chinatown is home to a number of banks, Chinese restaurants, gift shops, grocery stores, Chinese medicine stores, as well as a number of services that cater to people interested in Chinese culture, including those speaking Chinese, especially the Cantonese dialect.

Daniel Reid

After graduation, Reid moved to Taiwan, where he lived 16 years studying and writing about various aspects of traditional Chinese culture, focusing particularly on Chinese medicine and ancient Taoist health and longevity systems.

East West College of Natural Medicine

East West College of Natural Medicine (EWCNM) is an acupuncture, Chinese medicine, Complimentary and Alternative Medicine, and massage school in Sarasota, Florida.


It is used as a food fish there, and it also has applications in Chinese medicine.

Primo-vascular system

The Bonghan duct is named after Kim Bong-han, a North Korean professor from Pyongyang Medical University, who reported in 1962 that he had found the anatomical structures of meridian-collaterals known as Bonghan corpuscles (BHCs) and Bonghan ducts (BHDs).

Pyongyang Medical University

In 1962, Kim Bong-han, a Professor of Pyongyang Medical University, reported that he had found the anatomical structure of meridian-collaterals, which he named Bonghan corpuscles (BHCs) and Bonghan ducts (BHDs).

see also

A. chinensis

Anemone chinensis, one of the 50 fundamental herbs used in traditional Chinese medicine

Academy of Chinese Culture and Health Sciences

The practitioners in the clinic practice Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture, herbal medicine, Tai chi, Tui na massage (acupressure), Food Therapy, Moxibustion, and Cupping Therapy.

In 1982, Master Wei Tsuei (1926–2010) was a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tai chi meditation, and Qigong.

Ethyl caffeate

It is also found in Huáng bǎi, one of the fifty fundamental herbs of traditional Chinese medicine, also known also as Cortex Phellodendri, the bark of one of two species of Phellodendron tree: Phellodendron amurense or Phellodendron chinense.

Faculties of Medicines in Hong Kong

There are three public, government funded schools of Traditional Chinese Medicine / Pharmacy in Hong Kong, including the School of Chinese Medicine of Hong Kong Baptist University, the School of Chinese Medicine at the University of Hong Kong, and the School of Chinese Medicine at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.


Myriocin was isolated from the culture broth a type of entomopathogenic fungus (Isaria sinclairii) that was an eternal youth nostrum in traditional Chinese medicine.

Fuling jiabing

The flour can be mixed with fuling (Poria), a kind of Chinese medicine from Yunnan province that is used to rid the spleen of dampness.

Mandarin Oriental, Hong Kong

The Forbes Five-Star spa, one of only three in Hong Kong, draws on the established Asian healing philosophies of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda, offering a Vichy Shower, Traditional Chinese Medicine consultations, and Hong Kong’s first authentic Ayurvedic sanctuary.

Psoralea corylifolia

Psoralea corylifolia (Babchi) is an important plant in the Indian Ayurveda and Tamil Siddha systems of medicine, and also Chinese medicine.

Regulation of acupuncture

In 2000, the Chinese Medicine Registration Board of Victoria, Australia (CMBV) was established as an independent government agency to oversee the practice of Chinese Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture in the state.

Tianjin Medical University

TMU includes eight departments involved in 15 specialties such as Clinical Medicine, Anesthesiology etc. but also Integration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western medicine and Medical Humanities.