
unusual facts about Christian Wolff

Acta Eruditorum

Since its inception many eminent scientists published there – apart from Leibniz, e.g., Jakob Bernoulli, Humphry Ditton, Leonhard Euler, Ehrenfried Walther von Tschirnhaus, Pierre-Simon Laplace and Jérôme Lalande but also humanists and philosophers as Veit Ludwig von Seckendorff, Stephan Bergler, Christian Thomasius and Christian Wolff.

Adolf Friedrich von Reinhard

He won first prize from the Prussian Academy of Sciences for La Système de Mr. Pope sur la perfection du monde comparé à celui de Mr. Leibniz (1755), a critique of the philosophy of Alexander Pope, Leibniz and Christian Wolff.

Friedrich Gottfried Abel

After a classical education at Halberstadt and Wolfenbüttel, Abel entered himself at the former place as a student of theology, in 1731, under Johann Lorenz von Mosheim; a year later, he moved to Halle, where he attended the lectures of Christian Wolff and Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten, and often preached himself with much applause.

Jacob Vernet

In Marburg he met the philosopher Christian Wolff, later describing him as someone "who inspired moderation in his disciples".

Johann Bessler

Bessler also received support from other members of Leibniz's intellectual circle, including mathematician Johann Bernoulli, philosopher Christian Wolff, and architect Joseph Emanuel Fischer von Erlach.

Johann Georg von Lori

He met the Prince of Hohenlohe-Bartenstein, with whom he discussed the rationalist philosophy of Christian Wolff and Johann Gottlieb Heineccius.

Olga Virezoub

In 2001 - 2003 she completed the graduate program in composition and also piano at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hannover and in 2003 received a scholarship to participate in the master classes for contemporary and jazz music with Alvin Lucier, Tristan Murail, Christian Wolff, Frederic Rzewski and Roscoe Mitchell, among others.

see also