
unusual facts about Christian mortalism

Eustratios of Constantinople

Other Byzantine writers opposing Christian mortalism were John the Deacon, Niketas Stethatos, Philip Monotropos (Dioptra pp. 210, 220), and Michael Glykas.

Fausto Sozzini

In his Brevis explicatio (Lyons, 1562) of the prologue to St John's Gospel he already attributes to Christ an official, not an essential, deity – already an anti-Trinitarian position; and in a letter of 1563 rejects the immortality of the soul in favour of Christian mortalism; a position subsequently developed in his disputation with the humanist Francesco Pucci.

Thomas Talbott

# Christians who believe in Christian mortalism and conditional immortality, for example Seventh-day Adventists, typically disagree with #3, and propose the doctrine of annihilationism as an alternative solution to Talbott's proposed problem.

see also