He grew up and attended high school in Durham, North Carolina, where he began his career at the F. W. Woolworth Company store, in 1923, as an assistant stock room manager.
On February 1, 1960, Ezell A. Blair, Jr. (later Jimbaeel Khazan), Frank McCain, Joseph McNeil and David Richmond, four young African-American students from the North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University (NC A&T), entered the downtown Greensboro Woolworth's and sat at the "whites only" lunch counter.
Clarence Lee "Curly" Harris (1905-1999) was the store manager at Woolworth's in Greensboro, North Carolina, during the 1960 sit-ins.
Emmylou Harris | Clarence Thomas | Rolf Harris | Mike Harris | Clarence Darrow | Ed Harris | Harris County, Texas | Richard Harris | Harris | Julie Harris | Joel Chandler Harris | Franco Harris | Sir Arthur Harris, 1st Baronet | Bob Harris | Neil Patrick Harris | Ronan Harris | Fred R. Harris | Eddie Harris | Townsend Harris | Tony Harris | Thomas Harris | Major Harris | Katherine Harris | Jonathan Harris | Frank Harris | Clarence "Gatemouth" Brown | Paul Harris | James Harris Simons | Clarence Mason | Clarence House |