Wesley Clark (born 1944), commander in the Kosovo War, author and political spokesman
Holbrooke decided to sit with General Wesley Clark in a Humvee, while the other members of the delegation travelled in a French UNPROFOR Renault VAB Armored Personnel Carrier.
Clark Gable | John Wesley | Clark | Petula Clark | Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman | Clark Kent | Clark County | Dick Clark | Clark County, Nevada | Roy Clark | Wesley Snipes | Guy Clark | Helen Clark | Lewis & Clark College | Joe Clark | Wesley Clark | Jim Clark | Charles Wesley | George Rogers Clark | Clark University | Clark Howard | Clark County, Washington | Clark Ashton Smith | Alan Clark | Lewis and Clark Expedition | Kimberly-Clark | Fort Clark, Texas | Addison-Wesley | Wesley | Tom C. Clark |
Topics covered range from who the Democrats should put up for the presidency (Moore proposes Oprah Winfrey or, surprisingly, General Wesley Clark, once the Supreme Allied Commander of NATO) right through to 'How to talk to your conservative brother-in-law', a guide on how to avoid interpersonal conflicts at Thanksgiving dinner with the family.
Hugya's candidacy has been endorsed by former Senator Bob Kerrey and retired generals Wesley Clark and Hugh Shelton.
The Democratic primaries and caucuses were contested between retired General Wesley Clark of Arkansas, former Governor Howard Dean of Vermont, Senator John Edwards of North Carolina, Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts, Congressman Dennis Kucinich of Ohio, Senator Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut, and the Reverend Al Sharpton of New York.
In early 2005, former U.S. Naval officer Eric J.J. Massa, a long-time friend of 2004 presidential candidate General Wesley Clark filed to run as the Democratic candidate.
Gen. Wesley Clark had ordered the NATO troops to seize control of the airport but it is claimed Gen. Sir Mike Jackson backed the decision of Capt. James Blount (now better known as singer James Blunt) to disobey this order for fear of "starting World War III".
Student participants included CEOs of major corporations, high-ranking U.S. Army generals, scientists, renowned writers and other professionals including Paul Funk, Barry McCaffrey, Gloria Feldt, Donald B. Straus, Marlon Brando, Wesley Clark, Michael Crichton, Wayne Peterson and many others.
Filmmakers Aram Fischer, Mark Lynch and Will Rabbe tracked candidates Wesley Clark, Joseph Lieberman, John Edwards, Howard Dean and John Kerry as they campaigned vigorously throughout the state.
The cemetery's grounds also include noteworthy historical architectural structures, including the Gibson Memorial Chapel designed (circa 1922) by noted architect George W. Conable and an office/garage and superintendent's mansion designed by Carl Wesley Clark (circa 1928).