
3 unusual facts about Clement Vallandigham

Clement Vallandigham

Vallandigham travelled by blockade-runner to Bermuda and then to Canada, where he declared himself a candidate for Governor of Ohio, subsequently winning the Democratic nomination in absentia.

Habeas Corpus Suspension Act 1863

The Court had earlier avoided the questions arising in ex parte Milligan regarding the Habeas Corpus Suspension Act in a case concerning former-Congressman and Copperhead Clement Vallandigham.

Taleb el-Sana

El-Sana is known for his outspoken criticism of the Israeli government, prompting one Jerusalem Post commentator to suggest recently that el-Sana be deported to Palestinian Authority controlled territory just as Abraham Lincoln deported United States Congressman Clement Vallandigham to the Confederated States of America during the American Civil War.

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