
unusual facts about Clifton Pugh

Tibooburra, New South Wales

In more recent times musicians and artists, in particular Clifton Pugh, became fascinated with this remote outback region.

Cottles Bridge, Victoria

From the 1950s onwards, various artists settled in the area, most notably Clifton Pugh AO, who established the Dunmoochin Artists Society there in 1953.

Gil Jamieson

These friendships sustained and affirmed his contribution to Australian art as later in his career, fellow artists such as Cliff Pugh and Arthur Boyd supported his work.

Piers Maxwell Dudley-Bateman

He was a sympathizer of The Antipodeans, a group of Melbourne painters that also included Arthur Boyd, David Boyd, John Brack, Robert Dickerson, John Perceval and Clifton Pugh.

see also