
unusual facts about Clyde L. Herring

Clyde L. Herring

Herring's reaction to Orson Welles' 1938 "War of the Worlds" broadcast received national attention.

Clyde L. Choate

Our infantry occupied a position on a wooded hill when, at dusk, an enemy Mark IV tank and a company of infantry attacked, threatening to overrun the American position and capture a command post 400 yards to the rear.

On that day, near Bruyères in eastern France, his tank destroyer was hit and set on fire in an attack by German forces.

Clyde L. Garrett

-- A grammar fix may be needed here. -->Technical assistant, Veterans Administration, Washington, D.C., and Dallas, Texas from 1949 to 1950.

The Order of The Red Friars

Some people associated with the Order of Red Friars include Rex Adams, Arthur Hollis Edens, Herbert J. Herring, Furman McLarty, Raymond Nasher, Richard M. Nixon, and William H. Wannamaker.

see also