Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT) is a form of psychological therapy initially developed in the United Kingdom by Anthony Ryle.
He is also a Cognitive Analytic Psychotherapist and an Association of Cognitive Analytic Therapy Accredited Supervisor.
Physical therapy | cognitive | cognitive science | Reichian therapy | Therapy? | Radiation therapy | American Art Therapy Association | therapy | Piaget's theory of cognitive development | Therapy | Respiratory therapy | Oral rehydration therapy | Intravenous therapy | Gestalt therapy | Electroconvulsive therapy | cognitive psychology | Analytic philosophy | analytic philosophy | American Physical Therapy Association | shock therapy | physical therapy | Cognitive | Beyond Therapy | art therapy | Wilderness therapy | shock therapy (economics) | Physical Therapy | Occupational therapy | occupational therapy | National Association for Research & Therapy of Homosexuality |
Another example of synthesis is Anthony Ryle’s (2005) model of Cognitive Analytic Therapy, integrating ideas from psychoanalytic object-relations theory and cognitive psychotherapy.