When the Vice Principle rises to attack him, Yamanishi kills him by hitting him in the head with an IV stand.
The days following the fight, Gervacio had to undergo reconstructive jaw surgery, having to be fed with intravenous cables.
Paramedics practice includes all components of the basic life support level and the further enhancement of IV canulation, drug therapy (oral, intramuscular injection (IM), intravenously (IV), narcotic pain relief, anti-emetics, cardiac arrest, respiratory drugs, etc.
Errors occurring in these botched executions include the incorrect placing of IV lines, and injection of too little anaesthetic, reported in one study to have been consistent with awareness in 43% (21 executions) of the forty-nine executions in the study.
Physical therapy | Reichian therapy | Therapy? | Radiation therapy | American Art Therapy Association | therapy | Therapy | Respiratory therapy | Oral rehydration therapy | Intravenous therapy | Gestalt therapy | Electroconvulsive therapy | American Physical Therapy Association | shock therapy | physical therapy | Beyond Therapy | art therapy | Wilderness therapy | shock therapy (economics) | Physical Therapy | Occupational therapy | occupational therapy | National Association for Research & Therapy of Homosexuality | Intravenous immunoglobulin | Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy | Conversion therapy | Cognitive behavioral therapy | Chinese food therapy | Attachment therapy | "talk" therapy |
Nalin had the key insight that Oral rehydration therapy (ORT) would work if the volume of solution patients drank matched the volume of their fluid losses, and that this would drastically reduce or completely replace the only current treatment for cholera, intravenous therapy.