
2 unusual facts about cognitive psychology

Center for Decision Research

This field of study draws on cognitive and social psychology, economics, sociology, statistics, and other disciplines to understand how individuals and groups make decisions.

Cognitive psychology

Things like what the Eiffel Tower looks like, or the name of a friend from sixth grade would be semantic memory.

Circasemidian rhythm

These behavioral and physiological observations support the need to consider a 12-hour rhythmicity in the quantification of daily variations in physiological function and some kinds of cognitive performance in fatigue modeling efforts such as the Fatigue Avoidance Scheduling Tool.

Edward Darmos

Further research interests include Hawking radiation, cognitive psychology and artificial genome construction and engineering.

Lyn Yvonne Abramson

As a clinical psychologist, her main areas of research interest have been exploring vulnerability to major depressive disorder and psychobiological and cognitive approaches to depression, bipolar disorder, and eating disorders.

Ullin Place

He even went so far as to defend the radical behaviorist theses of B.F. Skinner, as expressed in Verbal Behavior, from the criticisms of Noam Chomsky and the growing movement of cognitive psychology.

see also

1977 in philosophy

Kosslyn, Stephen and Pomerantz, J. R. "Imagery, Propositions, and the Form of Internal Representations," Cognitive Psychology 9: 52-76.

Klingon Language Institute

He obtained a bachelor's degree in psycholinguistics from California State University, Northridge, and then master's and doctoral degrees in cognitive psychology from Kansas State University.

Nate Boyden

He is in the Cognitive Psychology PhD program and is a recipient of a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship.