
unusual facts about Comenius

John Amos Comenius

In 1892 Comenius Hall, the principal classroom and faculty office building on Moravian College's campus in Pennsylvania, was built.

Modra Observatory

The Astronomical and Geophysical observatory of Comenius University is located near the town of Modra and in the mountain range of Little Carpathians.

Moravian College

The main building of the North Campus is Comenius Hall, which was built in 1892 and is named for John Amos Comenius, the last bishop of Unity of the Brethren, known as the "father of modern education" for his revolutionary educational principles.

Studénka train accident

The EuroCity train EC 108 Comenius was an express train en route from Kraków, Poland to Prague, Czech Republic that struck a part of a motorway bridge that had fallen onto the railroad track near Studénka railway station in the Czech Republic.

Waldorf education

Steiner's educational ideas closely follow modern "common sense" educational theory since Comenius and Pestalozzi.

see also