He met with famous teachers and pedagogues such as Pestalozzi and Maria Montessori.
He was the son of Heinrich Kellner who had been a pupil of Pestalozzi at Yverdon and had introduced Pestalozzi's methods at the normal school he conducted, the first of its kind in the Catholic district of Eichsfeld.
He graduated in 2007 at Pestalozzi-Gymnasium Biberach and started to study environment engineering in October 2008.
Steiner's educational ideas closely follow modern "common sense" educational theory since Comenius and Pestalozzi.
Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi | Pestalozzi | Colegio Pestalozzi | Pestalozzi-Gymnasium Biberach |
In 1846, he established the Pestalozzi institution at Pankow, and the Pestalozzi societies for the support of teachers’ widows and orphans.
In 1771, Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi bought a piece of waste land called Neuhof (New Farm), where he attempted the cultivation of madder.
In order to have an alternative to the Nazified Goethe School in Buenos Aires, Ernesto Alemann founded the Pestalozzi school called Colegio Pestalozzi in Buenos Aires in 1934.
Friedrich Fröbel (1782 – 1852), a German pedagogue, a student of Pestalozzi, who laid the foundation for modern education
Sokrates und Pestalozzi: zwei Vorträge bei Gelegenheit der Pestalozzifeier, 1896.
Mind, in his eighth year, was placed at the academy for poor children, which Pestalozzi had previously instituted at Neuenhof, near Bern, Aargau.
It was at this point that he became acquainted with two of Pestalozzi’s assistants, Tobler and Krusi, and learned that Pestalozzi was looking for a teacher of drawing and music for his school at Burgdorf.
Influenced by Plato, Erasmus and Swiss education reformer Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi, this philosophy promoted a balanced and individualized approach to the development of the student in the six aspects of truth (veritas; academic ideals), goodness (bonum; moral education), beauty (pulchritudo; art education), holiness (sanctitas; religious education), health (sanitas; physical education) and wealth (copia; vocational education).
HRH The Duke of Gloucester GCVO is the Patron of Pestalozzi International Village Trust.
Maine de Biran however -following the encounters with Stapfer at Auteuil and his own appointement as "sous-préfet" of the Dordogne in 1806- reformed the education in his department by inviting to Bergerac a teacher formed by Pestalozzi at Yverdon.