
unusual facts about Communicate: Independent British Graphic Design since the Sixties

66th Military Intelligence Brigade

Members of the brigade provide mission support by utilizing databases running on computer clusters and communicate on encrypted networks, such as the NSA-certified TACLANE encrypted network.

Amy Foster

According to Zdzisław Najder, "Amy Foster" was inspired partly by an anecdote in Ford Madox Ford's The Cinque Ports (1900), wherein a shipwrecked sailor from a German merchant ship, unable to communicate in English, and driven away by the local country people, finally found shelter in a pigsty.

Are Bhashe dialect

In Sullia Taluk, as the majority of the population belongs to Gowda community, most of others also generally communicate in the same dialect.


Katydid crickets, for example, communicate by sounds with frequencies higher than 100 kHz, far into the ultrasound range.

Braulio Carrillo Colina

His efforts to open a path to communicate with the Central Valley Matina on the Caribbean coast, could not be satisfactorily completed, as the government of Francisco Morazán stopped work when they were well advanced.

Clement Martyn Doke

At first, Clement Doke was frustrated by his inability to communicate with the Lamba.

Clifford Bias

Born in Huntington, West Virginia in 1910, he claimed that since the age of five he had been able to communicate with people who had long since died.

Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies

The network exists virtually using the Facebook and Twitter platforms as well as a privately owned web site to communicate and assist its supporters.

Communicate knowledge manifesto

The Royal Academy and the University of the Arts London have started similar projects also stated under the communicate knowledge manifesto.

Donald A. Coleman

Coleman is the founder, chairman and CEO of GlobalHue, the largest multicultural advertising agency in the United States, working with blue chip brands and organizations to communicate with African-American, Asian and Hispanic consumers.


Still, the Large Party Doukhobors continued to consider him their spiritual leader and to communicate with him, by mail and via delegates who traveled to see him in Obdorsk, Siberia.


Acquired by Gorges, Epenow was housed with another Native American captive, Assacumet, who had been captured by Captain George Weymouth in 1605 in Maine, and with whom he could communicate with some initial difficulty.


The idea behind this testing method, as described in Fit for Developing Software, is that the forced collaboration of testers and developers will improve mutual understanding of the system and requirements by forcing the two groups to develop a common language as they learn to communicate together.

Föreningen Sveriges Sändareamatörer

Key membership benefits of the SSA include the sponsorship of amateur radio operating awards, radio contests, and a QSL bureau for members who regularly communicate with amateur radio operators in other countries.

Friedrich Gulda

Issued on The Meeting (Philips, 1984), Gulda and Corea communicate in lengthy improvisations mixing jazz ("Some Day My Prince Will Come" and the lesser known Miles Davis song "Put Your Foot Out") and classical music (Brahms' "Wiegenlied" "Cradle song").


While a Media Gateway Controller (MGC) will use H.248/Megaco to manage media establishment and control with a number of Media Gateways (MG), other VoIP protocol such as SIP and H.323 are used for one Media Gateway Controller (MGC) to communicate with another Media Gateway Controller (MGC).

Haroun and the Sea of Stories

Mudra is nearly mute, being able only to communicate his own name and that he "speaks" by Abhinaya, the sign language used in classical Indian dance.

Indian Standard Time

To communicate the exact time to the people, the exact time is broadcast over the state–owned All India Radio and Doordarshan television network.


After the Reconquest, Moors were not allowed to live near the coast so as to be unable to communicate easily with their kinsmen in nearby North Africa.

John Cleave

It was the view of radical publishers that a free press was vital to social, political and moral improvement and that the government were oppressing the people's firmly held beliefs and rights to communicate.


As the first market town on the border between the Russian and Chinese Empires, Kyakhta gave its name to the so-called Kyakhta Russian–Chinese Pidgin, a contact language that was used by Russian and Chinese traders to communicate.

Latvijas Radio Amatieru Līga

Key membership benefits of LRAL include the sponsorship of amateur radio operating awards and radio contests, and a QSL bureau for those members who regularly communicate with amateur radio operators in other countries.


Liaison officer, person that liaises between two organizations to communicate and coordinate their activities

Long delayed echo

Duncan Lunan proposed the radio echoes observed by Størmer and Van der Pol in 1928 might have been transmissions from a Bracewell probe, an artifact of aliens trying to communicate with us by bouncing back our own signals.

Media censorship and disinformation during 2013 protests in Turkey

Yeni Şafak newspaper claimed that Zello application, which was used by protestors to communicate during the protests was served to them by a source in Houston and protestors were taking orders from that source.

Monasteries on the slopes of Popocatépetl

The missionaries included Juan de Tecto, Juan de Ayora and Pedro de Gante, the last of whom learned Nahuatl in order to communicate with the indigenous peoples.

Nitza Villapol

She has been called, by some, the Cuban Julia Child for her ability to communicate culinary arts to a popular audience.

Nutrient sensing

Receptors on the cell membrane's surface designed to be activated in the presence of specific fuel molecules communicate to the cell nucleus via a means of cascading interactions.

Open Settlement Protocol

:"to support the market for voice communication and related voiceband communication (such asfacsimile) between users . . . to ensure that users connected to IP based networks can communicate with users in Switched Circuit Networks (such as PSTN/ISDN and GSM), and vice versa."


This software (the first of its type for the Oric series of computers and was indeed one of the early pioneers of home computer communications) enabled the Oric 1 and Atmos to communicate with Prestel (a fore-runner of the Internet-which used Ceefax style graphics), with Bulletin Boards and facilitated the transfer of files from one Oric/Atmos to another, via the public telephone system.


It can communicate with multiple databases such as: MySQL, PostgreSQL, ODBC, SQLite, Oracle, DB2, MS SQL Server, MaxDB, Visual FoxPro, FrontBase, InterBase, Firebird, Informix, LDAP, Netezza, SAP DB, Sybase, and generate code from them.

Radio Cracker

In 1992, there was also a national sustaining service broadcast via a sub-carrier on an Astra satellite, thanks to a deal with BSkyB who also provided Teletext pages to allow the Harrow team to communicate with the rest of the network.

Renee Botta

She taught at the University of Zambia and conducted research on how people communicate about AIDS in their everyday life.

Robert Dahlqvist

Dahlqvist also recorded lead guitar for the song "Soulmover" for fellow band member Nick Royale and Scott Morgan's soul band The Solution on their second album Communicate!.

Scripting Bridge

The Scripting Bridge is a framework in OS X allowing Mac applications to communicate with each other without the use of an intermediary scripting language such as AppleScript.

Smart Lock

Smart locks may use Bluetooth SMART and SSL to communicate, encrypting communications using 128/256-bit AES.

Takaji Wachi

Wachi engaged in efforts to negotiate with the Chinese to end the war and tried to communicate with General He Yingqin the National Revolutionary Army Chief of Staff, via a Chinese agent in 1938, but these efforts failed.

Technology for peace

In 1999, with USAID funding given to Dr. Hrach Gregorian, cyber peace cafes on the northern and southern parts of Nicosia have been setup, from where peace builders could communicate with their peers on the other side.

The Mighty Peking Man

Like Tarzan, she has learned both to swing through the trees on vines and to communicate with and command the jungle animals, with the exception of a venomous snake who bites her on the inner thigh requiring the hero Johnny to suck out the poison while Samantha's leopard friend fights the snake.

The Numerati

Baker interviews people who are studying, developing and implementing the technologies and techniques used to capture and analyze many of our everyday actions as we communicate, travel and make purchases.

The Scientist

Labs using YouTube, Wikipedia, JoVE, and other tools to best collaborate, communicate, and research were nominated by readers around the world.

The Valley Library

Librarians at Valley Library began using text messaging in March 2010 to communicate with some library patrons, and earlier started to loan out Amazon's Kindle reader.

Thomas Coxeter

In the prospectus he said that, having determined to "revive the best of our old plays, faithfully collated with all the editions that could be found in a search of above thirty years", he "happened to communicate his scheme to one who now invades it" — the reference being to Robert Dodsley, whose Select Collection of Old Plays appeared in 1744.

Triple Nine Society

Members communicate with one another through email lists, a Facebook group, two Yahoo! Groups, a Linked-In group and a scheduled weekly IRC chat, and meet at arranged gatherings; European members have established a group in XING.

Trondheim Airport, Lade

Widerøe set up a "commando center" in their hangar and installed VHF radios to communicate with aircraft.

Virtual MTV

In early 2008, MTV partnered with Paramount Digital Entertainment and Los Angeles-based developer FanRocket to launch the two companies' VooZoo application in vMTV, allowing users to communicate via scenes and lines of dialogue from the Paramount movie library.

Visual journalism

Visual language is one tool described by author Daniel Pink in his book A Whole New Mind for the emerging "conceptual age" where people must tolerate ambiguity and communicate quickly, often before concepts are ready to be captured in traditional writing.

William Francklin

In 1786 he made a tour in Persia, in the course of which he resided for eight months at Shiraz as an inmate of a Persian family, and was thus enabled to communicate a fuller account of the manners of the people than had before appeared.

Witeck Communications, Inc.

Witeck-Combs Communications helped openly gay (and lesbian) actors Amanda Bearse and Dan Butler to communicate honestly to celebrate and promote National Coming Out Day by serving as the first celebrity spokespersons for the Human Rights Campaign Fund (since renamed the Human Rights Campaign (www.hrc.org).

see also