
unusual facts about Compact group

Compact group

Such a Haar measure is in many cases easy to compute; for example for orthogonal groups it was known to Hurwitz, and in the Lie group cases can always be given by an invariant differential form.

see also

Udai Bhan Tewari

His research work includes contribution in the field of Group algebra and measure algebra of locally compact group.

Vincent Lafforgue

Lafforgue was awarded the 2000 EMS Prize for his contribution to the K-theory of operator algebras: the proof of the Baum–Connes conjecture for discrete co-compact subgroups of SL(3,\mathbb{R}),SL(3,\mathbb{C}), SL(3,\mathbb{Q} p) and some other locally compact group (and of more general objects).