
unusual facts about Compute!


It was noted particularly for software such as the multiplatform word processor SpeedScript, the spreadsheet SpeedCalc, and the game Laser Chess.

Abel's identity

It is especially useful for equations such as Bessel's equation where the solutions do not have a simple analytical form, because in such cases the Wronskian is difficult to compute directly.

Abel's sum formula

Abel's summation formula, a formula used in number theory to compute series


Bloombase secures cloud storage and runs as compute instances on Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Windows Azure and Rackspace.

Compact group

Such a Haar measure is in many cases easy to compute; for example for orthogonal groups it was known to Hurwitz, and in the Lie group cases can always be given by an invariant differential form.

Context of computational complexity

For example, Chan's algorithm can compute the convex hull of a set of points in O(n log h) time, where n is the number of points in the input and h is the number of points in the resulting convex hull, a subset of the input points.


CUDA, an abbreviation for Compute Unified Device Architecture, a parallel programming framework by NVIDIA

Electronic flight bag

In 1996, Aero Lloyd, a German carrier, introduced two laptops to compute the performance and access the documentation.

Euclidean minimum spanning tree

The simplest algorithm to find an EMST in two dimensions, given n points, is to actually construct the complete graph on n vertices, which has n(n-1)/2 edges, compute each edge weight by finding the distance between each pair of points, and then run a standard minimum spanning tree algorithm (such as the version of Prim's algorithm or Kruskal's algorithm) on it.

Forward algorithm

The goal of the forward algorithm is to compute the joint probability p(x t,y {1:t}), where for notational convenience we have abbreviated x(t) as x t and (y(1), y(2), ..., y(t)) as y {1:t}.

General Algebraic Modeling System

the 1970s, TRW developed a system called PROSE that took the ideas of chemical engineers to compute point derivatives that were exact derivatives at a given point, and to embed them in a consistent, Fortran-style calculus modeling language.

Google Toolbar

Google Compute was a separately downloadable add-on for the Google Toolbar which utilized the user's computer to help the Folding@home distributed computing project, which studies disease-relevant protein folding and other molecular dynamics.


The Search and Rescue Optimal Planning System (SAROPS) and the Norwegian SAR model compute the net trajectory of search objects and provide a probability density area based upon Monte Carlo methods.

Lissajous curve

This property is exploited to produce a set of points, called Padua points, at which a function may be sampled in order to compute either a bivariate interpolation or quadrature of the function over the domain -1,1×-1,1.


Logic programming systems such as Prolog compute the consequences of the axioms and rules in order to answer a query.

M/M/∞ queue

Given the system is in equilibrium at time 0, we can compute the cumulative distribution function of the process maximum over a finite time horizon T in terms of Charlier polynomials.


One-way function, a function that is easy to compute on every input, but hard to invert given the image of a random input

Orthographic projection

In about 14 BC, Roman engineer Marcus Vitruvius Pollio used the projection to construct sundials and to compute sun positions.

Partial charge

Partial atomic charges are used in molecular mechanics force fields to compute the electrostatic interaction energy using Coulomb's law.

Party-list representation in the House of Representatives of the Philippines

Panganiban in 2010 remarked in a lecture at the Ateneo Law School that "It’s very complicated and there must be an easier formula to compute," adding that the party-list law has to be amended by Congress.

Patience sorting

Patience sorting is a sorting algorithm, based on a solitaire card game, that has the property of being able to efficiently compute the length of a longest increasing subsequence in a given array.

Real computation

Depending on the model chosen, this may enable real computers to solve problems that are inextricable on digital computers (For example, Hava Siegelmann's neural nets can have noncomputable real weights, making them able to compute nonrecursive languages.) or vice versa.


The Guardian gave it a negative review saying "Humans in the middle of robo-armageddon should be a recipe for fun. But this does not compute".

Shortest-path tree

# Compute dist(u), the shortest-path distance from root v to vertex u in G using Dijkstra's algorithm or Bellman–Ford algorithm.


The analysis is done through a unique algorithm that uses data drawing from key social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to compute the social IQ score and then classifies the users accordingly.

Vapour Pressure Deficit

Saturation pressure can be looked up in a psychrometric chart or derived from the Arrhenius equation, a way to compute it directly from temperature is

Verlet integration

It was also used by Cowell and Crommelin in 1909 to compute the orbit of Halley's Comet, and by Carl Størmer in 1907 to study the motion of electrical particles in a magnetic field.

see also