
unusual facts about Computer printer


Businesses may print small quantities of brochures on a computer printer or on a digital printer, but offset printing turns out higher quantities for less cost.

Camillo Olivetti

Camillo Olivetti (August 1868 in Ivrea, Piedmont, Italy– December 1943 in Biella, Italy) was an Italian electrical engineer and founder of Olivetti & Co., SpA., the Italian manufacturer of computers, printers and other business machines.

Computer repair technician

Technicians also work with and occasionally repair a range of peripherals, including input devices (like keyboards, mice, and scanners), output devices (like displays, printers, and speakers), and data storage devices such as internal and external hard drives and disk arrays.

Consejo Nacional de Fomento Educativo

Instructors are also taught how to use technological devises such as computers, scanners, printers, digital cameras and sound recorders, software (Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Inspiration), and the Internet.

USB hub

USB hubs are often built into equipment such as computers, keyboards, monitors, or printers.

see also