
2 unusual facts about Concentration

Nociception assay

It entails the injection of a dilute solution of formalin into the surface of the rodent's hindpaw, followed by the scoring of stereotypical behaviors such as flinching, licking, and biting of the affected hindpaw.

Scaly leg

The loose crusty scales may also be removed by soaking the afflicted bird's legs in soapy water mixed with diluted ammonia, and the encrusted areas scrubbed gently with a soft brush.

Angora project

It belonged to Heinrich Himmler, the chief of the SS in Nazi Germany and head of its concentration camps.

Anna Hackl

In February 1945, family Langthaler, who lived in a farmhouse in Schwertberg, hid two Russian prisoners of war: Michail Rybtschinskij (died 2008) und Nikolai Zimkolo (died 2001), who escaped from the concentration camp in Mauthausen.

Anneke Grönloh

Grönloh was born in Tondano, North Celebes, Netherlands East Indies (now Indonesia), and spent her early years in the Japanese-occupied Dutch East Indies in a Japanese concentration camp.

Bardufoss concentration camp

The Bardufoss concentration camp is located in Northern Norway in the municipality of Målselv.

Barrio Bonito

La Boca also "boasts the highest concentration of painters and sculptors of anywhere in South America", so Nike felt that this would be a great opportunity to represent soccer through art.

Constitutional Act on the Czechoslovak Federation

The reform concerned Slovak autonomy; the concentration of governmental authority in Prague was a source of discontent within Slovakia throughout the 1960s, and the federalization of the Czechoslovak government codified in the 1968 constitutional amendments was virtually the only product of the reform movement associated with the Prague Spring to survive.

Continuous emissions monitoring system

SO2 emissions must be measured in pounds per hour using both an SO2 pollutant concentration monitor and a volumetric flow monitor.

David Carrión Baralt

Similarly, he holds a Masters in strategic planning from the United States Army War College at Carlisle Barracks in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, and holds a Bachelor of Arts with a concentration in economics of the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez.


It was the location of the Nazi concentration camp Dzimianen - Sophienwalde, a subcamp of the concentration camp Stutthof.

Economy of the Maldives

The population is scattered throughout the country, and the greatest concentration is on the capital island, Malé.

Eyo Ita

The major politicians of the time resorted to work within their ethnic and regional base as a foundation to gain political power, this led to regional politics and concentration of power in regional and federal ministers, who were largely nominated by the party and the regional House of Assemblies.

Foreign Claims Settlement Commission

The first stage provided for compensation for Hugo Princz and a small group of other known concentration camp survivors, through a lump-sum payment to the United States of 3 million Deutsche Mark (about $2.1 million).

Forschungszentrum Jülich

The humidity can be varied, and the temperatures can be kept at 25 °C, even in summer when the sun is constantly shining.

Franz Lucas

Dr. Franz Bernhard Lucas (15 September 1911, in Osnabrück, Germany – 7 December 1994, in Elmshorn, Germany) was a German concentration camp doctor and SS Obersturmführer who served at Auschwitz concentration camp during the same period of time as Josef Mengele.


The highest concentration of species occurred in the Tethys Ocean during the upper Cretaceous.

House of Dolls

Love Camp 7 (1968), considered to be the first Nazi exploitation film, is set in a concentration camp "Joy Division".


An Hyuk (born 1968), North Korean defector who escaped from the Yodok concentration camp


Jasenovac, Sisak-Moslavina County, town and municipality in Croatia, the location of the Jasenovac concentration camp

Jeffrey Gedmin

He earned his Masters degree in German Area Studies (Literature concentration) from American University in Washington, D.C. He completed his Bachelor of Arts degree in Music from American University and also studied musicology for a year at the University of Salzburg in Austria.

John Hansl

On April 8, 2005, a federal court working with evidence obtained by the Office of Special Investigations, revoked his American citizenship because of his service as a Nazi concentration camp guard.

Karl Genzken

Genzken was involved in a series of human experiments that were carried out on prisoners of several concentration camps.


In Zen Buddhism, the keisaku (Japanese: 警策, Chinese: 香板, xiāng bǎn; kyōsaku in the Soto school) is a flat wooden stick or slat used during periods of meditation to remedy sleepiness or lapses of concentration.

KZ Walldorf

The labour camp was a satellite camp of the concentration camp Natzweiler-Struthof in Alsace and existed in the period from 23 August to 24 November 1944 near the village of Walldorf.

Lublin Voivodeship

Before the war, there were 300,000 Jews living in the region, which became the site of the Majdanek and Belzec concentration camps as well as several labour camps (Trawniki, Poniatowa, Budzyn, Puławy, Zamość, Biała Podlaska, and the Lublin work camps Lindenstraße 7 (Lipowa Street), Flugplatz, and Sportplatz) which produced military supplies for the Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe).


Adolf Maislinger (1903-1985), a well-known prisoner of the Dachau concentration camp

Marcelino Bilbao Bilbao

There, he was first interned at the French concentration camps in Argelès-sur-Mer, later forced to work on the Maginot line, and finally deported by the Germans to the Mauthausen concentration camp.

Matthew Bonnan

His expertise in the concentration of Sauropod dinosaurs were sought after by and aided the excavation efforts of the Burpee Museum of Natural History.


The vapour pressure of a metalorganic precursor is a crucial parameter that governs the concentrations of metalorganic precursors entering the reactor, and subsequently the rate of deposition in MOVPE process.

Mieschke Hofmann und Partner

The idea was to provide best of class consulting services combining both business process optimization as well as IT services, with SAP software being the primary concentration of the IT services offering.

Montse Armengou Martín

The films examine different aspects of the Spanish Civil War and the Franco dictatorship; - the forced relocation of Republican children, disappearances and mass graves, and the 1940 deportation of Spanish Republicans from the French town of Angouleme to the Nazi concentration camp Mauthausen, Austria.

New York Jewish Film Festival

The 2011 Festival presented three restored films: Lies My Father Told Me (dir. Ján Kadár), a 1975 film about a boy living in a Montreal Jewish community in the 1920s; the 1956 film Singing in the Dark (dir. Max Nosseck), one of the first American feature films to dramatize the Holocaust, starring Moishe Oysher as a concentration camp survivor; and the 1930 Tevye (dir. Maurice Schwartz), restored with new English subtitles.

Oia, Greece

However, the arrival of steam and the concentration of shipping at Piraeus caused the town's seagoing trade to collapse, and agriculture also diminished as increasing emigration took place, especially to Piraeus and Laurium.

Pierre Béarn

While commanding a trawler to aid the French evacuations in 1940, he was captured and was detained in the concentration camp at Aintree.

Prager house

In 1999 the association Geschichtswerkstatt Weimar-Apolda was founded, later merged into the Prager-Haus Association, and published further material regarding Jewish life, persecution in the first Thuringia concentration camps in Nohra and Bad Sulza and the daily regime of National Socialism.

Production line

The concentration of numbers of people in manufactories, and later the factory as exemplified by the cotton mills of Richard Arkwright, started the move towards co-locating individual processes.


During the Second World War it was the location for the German concentration camp Pröbernau, a subcamp of the concentration camp Stutthof.

Roy Speckhardt

Speckhardt earned a Bachelor of Arts in sociology from Mary Washington College and a Master of Business Administration, with a concentration in information systems management, from George Mason University.


Because of the large concentration of museums on the riverside, the area is called Museumsufer ("Museum Embankment").

Seductive Poison

Dr. Anthony Storr Professor of Psychiatry, Fellow at the Royal College of Physicians, and Emeritus Fellow at Green College at Oxford, and a former Clinical Lecturer in Psychiatry at Oxford University wrote: "Deborah Layton vividly describes her initial intense involvement with Jim Jones’ Peoples Temple and her eventual risky escape from a promised utopia which had turned into a concentration camp. This book is both gripping and revealing."

Semen quality

Males carrying Robertsonian translocations in their chromosomes have significantly higher degree of sperm cell apoptosis and lower concentration.

Seven Beauties

In his 1976 essay "Surviving", Bruno Bettelheim, while admiring the film's artistry, severely criticizes the impression it makes of the experience of concentration camp survivors.

Shark Island Concentration Camp

Shark Island Concentration Camp or "Death Island" (Konzentrationslager auf der Haifischinsel vor Lüderitzbucht ) was a camp on Shark Island off Luderitz, Nambia used by the German empire during the Herero and Namaqua genocide of 1904–1908.

Sturge–Weber syndrome

Latanoprost is commercially formulated as an aqueous solution in a concentration of 0.005% preserved with 0.02% benzalkonium chloride (BAC).

Táňa Fischerová

Her father, theatre director Jan Fischer (or Fišer), was imprisoned in Theresienstadt and Auschwitz concentration camps during the World War II.

The Night Porter

In an iconic scene, Lucia sings a Marlene Dietrich song "Wenn ich mir was wünschen dürfte" to the concentration camp guards while wearing pieces of an SS uniform, and Max "rewards" her with the severed head of a male inmate who had been bullying the other inmates, a reference to Salome.


Winkler test for dissolved oxygen: Used to determine oxygen concentration in water.

Topf and Sons

After 1939, and the demonstration or "proof of concept" that the firm could design an incinerator which would handle large numbers of corpses, Nazi officials further contracted Topf and Sons to provide similar incineration furnaces for the Belzec, Dachau, Mauthausen, Gusen Concentration Camps, and larger industrial incinerators especcialy designed for Auschwitz Concentration Camp.

Valletta Waterfront

It is also being used as a venue with a concentration of bars, retail outlets and restaurants, as well as for concerts and events, including the Malta Jazz Festival, the Malta Fireworks Festival, the Perfect Wedding Fair and other themed events.

Venko Markovski

During the WWII, in 1941 he was sent as Communist activist to the concentration camp in Enikyoi by the Bulgarian police.

Xhosa clan names

Debeza – OoDebeza, ngoJebe, Nonyanya, Nongoqo, Mbeka Ntshiyini Bathi uqumbile, Khonkcoshe Mbokodo engava mkwetsho (These are royalty in the Amampondomse group. Their main concentration is in the former Transkei, in Tsolo, Qumbu and Umthatha in the Eastern Cape.)

see also