Established in 1907 by Jean-Claude Nicolas Forestier, the city's Commissioner of Gardens, it was the first international competition to assess new roses and remains one of the most prestigious events in the commercial rose growers' calendar.
This event, known as the Concours international de roses nouvelles de Bagatelle International competition for new roses, has taken place annually every since and remains one of the world’s top rose competitions.
ATP International Series | International Monetary Fund | International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement | ATP International Series Gold | International Space Station | Guns N' Roses | Amnesty International | International Olympic Committee | BirdLife International | International Finance Corporation | International Organization for Standardization | International Telecommunication Union | International Criminal Court | One Day International | International Nonproprietary Name | International Labour Organization | International Civil Aviation Organization | International Boxing Federation | Toronto International Film Festival | International Atomic Energy Agency | International Maritime Organization | International Development Association | John F. Kennedy International Airport | Los Angeles International Airport | International Bank for Reconstruction and Development | International Court of Justice | International Fund for Agricultural Development | Rotary International | Marriott International | International Air Transport Association |