
unusual facts about Consequence

Albertine Brothers

With the fall of Communism throughout Eastern Europe in 1989, the Brothers again found themselves free to pursue their commitment to needy, who again were increasing in the aftermath of the social changes which took place as a consequence of the political changes.

Altos Hornos de Vizcaya

As a consequence of the implementation of the "Plan de Competitividad Conjunto AHV - Ensidesa", in December 1994 the CSI Group (Corporación Siderúrgica Integral) was formed, and it in turn was reorganized in 1997 forming the Aceralia Iron and Steel Corporation.

Andrew Vachss

He's so committed to his family of choice—not his DNA-biological family, which tortured him, or the state which raised him, but the family that he chose—that homicide is a natural consequence of injuring any of that family.

Aodh Méith

The Annals of the Four Masters relate that in 1179 "the churches of Tír Eoghain, from the mountains south, were left desolate, in consequence of war and intestine commotion, famine and distress".

Cabinet collective responsibility

In Canada, the cabinet is on rare occasion allowed to freely vote its conscience and to oppose the government without consequence, as occurred with the vote on capital punishment under Brian Mulroney.

Ceahlău Massif

There are many legends about the Ceahlău Massif and speculations regarding its possible reverence for the ancient Dacians; as a consequence it is often called "The Romanian Olympus."

Charles IV, Holy Roman Emperor

On 11 July 1346, in consequence of an alliance between his father and Pope Clement VI, relentless enemy of the emperor Louis IV, Charles was chosen as Roman king in opposition to Louis by some of the prince-electors at Rhens.

Company of the Blessed Sacrament

In consequence of incidents that had occurred at Caen, it was vigorously attacked in a libel brought by Abbot Charles du Four, of the Abbey of Aulnay, and was denounced to Cardinal Mazarin by François Harlay de Champvallon, Archbishop of Rouen.


As a consequence, he was moved from Germany to breeder Trygve Kraft in Värmland, Sweden.

Devil's Game

The consequence of this CIA program is the present-day Islamic Chechen separatist conflict that the Russians are fighting.

Dieppe Company

As a consequence, in 1616, two expeditions were to Asia from Honfleur in Normandy: three ships left for India, and two ships for Bantam.


Confusion as to the meaning (suggesting that such a meaning should be singular and exact) of ecosophy is primarily the consequence of it being used to designate different and often contradictory (though conceptually related) concepts by the Norwegian father of deep ecology, Arne Næss, and French post-Marxist philosopher and psychoanalyst Félix Guattari.

Eritrean Catholic Church

The ecclesiastical consequence of this was that, after Eritrea achieved independence in May 1993, Pope John Paul II created two additional eparchies, with seats in Keren and Barentu.

Fritz Fischer

In The Shield of Achilles: War, Peace, and the Course of History, Philip Bobbitt has written that after Fischer published it became, "impossible to maintain" that World War I had been a "ghastly mistake" rather than the consequence of German policy.

Guy Bisaillon

A practical consequence of the bill was to withdraw the franchise from Jews, Muslims, and other non-Catholics and non-Protestants.

Hardy space

For 0 < p ≤ q ≤ ∞, the class Hq is a subset of Hp, and the Hp-norm is increasing with p (it is a consequence of Hölder's inequality that the Lp-norm is increasing for probability measures, i.e. measures with total mass 1).

History of superconductivity

In 1935, F. and H. London showed that the Meissner effect was a consequence of the minimization of the electromagnetic free energy carried by superconducting current.

Hong Liangji

In modern times, he is best remembered for his essay Zhi Ping Pian (治平篇, On Governance and Well-beings of the Empire) on population growth and its sociopolitical consequence, in which he raised many of the same issues that were raised by Malthus writing during the same period in England.

Howell Mountains

Although rhyolitic rocks generally weather to soils that are considered to be nutrient poor, the Howell Mountain American Viticultural Area and other wine appellation districts located on the west slope claim that grape vines planted in these soils are stressed and as a consequence produce wine grapes that are superior in quality for wine making when compared to grapes grown on unstressed vines planted in the richer loams of the valley floor.

John Hornyold

In 1766, as his health was failing, he obtained the Thomas Talbot as his coadjutor, and consecrated him in 1767 (not in 1776 as has been erroneously asserted, in consequence of a misprint in Milner's "Memoir").

John Morphett

In September 1846, as a protest against the mining royalty bill being passed by the casting vote of Governor Robe, Morphett and the three other non-official council members left the chamber - in consequence the council was left without a quorum.

John Oxenbridge

He was, as a consequence, deprived of his office in May 1634, by William Laud.

John Stoughton Newberry

The town of Newberry, Michigan is named after Newberry, as a consequence of the congressman's business interest in the Detroit, Mackinac and Marquette railroad.

José Francisco Gana

Gana with his battalion captured the City of Huaras with the whole garrison, and, as a consequence, the provinces of Trujillo, Lambayeque, and Piura pronounced for the insurrection, leading to the whole northern portion of Peru being wrestled from the rule of the viceroy.

Karin Spaink

As a consequence of this withdrawal, Scientology has no possibility to appeal to the European Court, because this is only possible when all legal means on country level have been exhausted.

Killing of David Wilkie

The Lord Chief Justice, Lord Lane, explained that the crime would be murder if the death was a "natural consequence" of the miners' actions, but the legal phrase "natural consequence" was potentially misleading without further explanation.

Kingdom of Prussia

As a consequence of the Revolutions of 1848, King Frederick William IV was offered the crown of a united Germany by the Frankfurt Parliament.

London Nautical School

The school was founded in 1915, as a consequence of the official report into the loss of the Titanic, and today continues to be supported by the Worshipful Company of Shipwrights.

Matlock railway station

This section of the former Midland Railway's main line to Manchester was closed to passengers in 1968 (the same year mainline steam came to an end) as a consequence of the Beeching cuts and the recent electrification of the West coast route from London Euston to Manchester.

Najibullah Lafraie

Organizations that Dr Lafaie has been a member of, such as Jamiat Islami, have been criticised by groups such as the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan and Support Association for the Women of Afghanistan, and as a consequence Lafaie has been targeted by several of these groups.

Philip Audinet

Audinet was descended from a French family which came over to England in consequence of the revocation of the Edict of Nantes.

Position error

In consequence of Bernoulli's principle, the different speeds of the air result in different pressures at different positions on the aircraft's surface.


was a Quincy, Massachusetts-based provider of business process modeling software that was closed down in late 2003 as a consequence to the media frenzy following the consented search on December 5, 2002 by federal authorities under the auspices of Operation Green Quest.


Remoteness (legal), the legal concept of how remotely possible a consequence is (or should have been foreseen to be)

Richard Creagh

He was imprisoned for two years in consequence of the false accusations of Titus Oates, but acquitted (1682), was transferred to the Archdiocese of Tuam in 1686.

Robert John Bardo

As a consequence of Bardo's actions and his methods of obtaining Schaeffer's address, the U.S. federal government passed the Driver's Privacy Protection Act which prohibits state Departments of Motor Vehicles from disclosing the home addresses of state residents.

Samuel Tolver Preston

However, Preston's thoughts were entirely based on classical, non-relativistic physics and cannot be compared with Albert Einstein's mass–energy equivalence, which is a consequence of special relativity.

Sancho III of Navarre

In consequence of his relationship with the monastery of Cluny, he improved the road from Gascony to León.

Saul Goodman

When Walt angrily blows up the Dodge Challenger he initially bought for Walt Jr. as a result of Skyler forcing him to return it, Saul helps deal with the legal consequence and to cover up the incident.

Sharon Center, Ohio

In 2010, A. Schulman closed its manufacturing facility as a consequence of their acquisition of McCann Color.

Social chauvinism

The consequence of this policy on labor relations within the combatant countries was something called Burgfriedenspolitik in Germany, a term deriving from the medieval concept of "peace (especially between feuding families) within a besieged city".

South African Defence Force cricket team

At the time the strength of the South African Defence Force was boosted by conscription for all young white men, and as a consequence the South African Defence Force team were able to call on many young first-class cricketers, some of whom went on to play at Test level in the 1990s.


William Hogarth's A Rake's Progress (1732–33) displays in a series of paintings the spiralling fortunes of a wealthy but spendthrift son and heir who loses his money, and who as a consequence is imprisoned in the Fleet Prison and ultimately Bedlam.

Springbank Island

Ringbarked years ago and neglected as a natural consequence, is now a dense mass of undergrowth of young trees.

St. Lawrence's Church, Söderköping

During its history, it has been reconstructed, renovated (not least as a consequence of damage from recurrent floodings caused by the nearby Söderköpingsån) and altered on several occasions, but retains much of its medieval form and look.

Structural stability

As a consequence of the Denjoy theorem, an orientation preserving C2 diffeomorphism ƒ of the circle is structurally stable if and only if its rotation number is rational, ρ(ƒ) = p/q, and the periodic trajectories, which all have period q, are non-degenerate: the Jacobian of ƒq at the periodic points is different from 1, cf Circle map.

The eclipse of Darwinism

As a consequence of the debate over the viability of neo-Lamarckism in the 1890s, James Mark Baldwin, Henry Fairfield Osborne and C. Lloyd Morgan all independently proposed a mechanism where new learned behaviors could cause the evolution of new instincts and physical traits through natural selection without resort to the inheritance of acquired characteristics.

The Spider Bite

Bengt af Klintberg's work in urban legends elaborates and explains that as a consequence of the absence of spiders in the modern urban environment, they have now assumed mythical proportions in our narrative tradition.

Tianjin Campaign

The immediate consequence of the nationalist defeat in Tianjin Campaign was that the nationalist garrison of Tanggu, consisting of the 17th Army Group and five divisions from the 87th Army, had been completely isolated and had to withdraw via ocean, which in turn, worsened the overall situation for the nationalists during the Pingjin Campaign.


Others, the M’mouck tribe from the upper belt of Wabane Sub Division are also said to have migrated from Dschang in the West Region (Cameroon) as a consequence of the Makiza wars and others especially from the lowland from upper Bayang in Manyu Division.

see also