
unusual facts about soils

Acacia argyrodendron

Acacia argyrodendron is found in central Queensland in the basins of the Cape, Suttor and Belyando Rivers on clay soils in areas where the annual rainfall ranges between 475 and 655 mm (19-26 in).

Acacia leiocalyx

Acacia leiocalyx (Black Wattle, Early Flowering Black Wattle, Lamb's Tail Wattle, Curracabah) grows in Queensland, Australia and as far south as Sydney in N.S.W. It is widespread and common in eucalypt woodlands, especially on well-drained, shallow soils.

Açores VR

The Pico IPR wine is a white wine produced from grapes grown on the rocky soils, located along the western coast of the island.

Alessandro Torlonia, 2nd Prince di Civitella-Cesi

This action subsequently enabled Cerchio families to farm the lake bed's rich soils under the Torlonia Administration.

Araripe Manakin

It is only fifty kilometres long and one kilometre wide and the typical habitat apparently is a consequence of the soils formed from the Early Cretaceous Santana Formation limestone.

Axbridge Hill and Fry's Hill

The very thin soils here support populations of one nationally rare species, Cheddar bedstraw (Galium fleurotii) and four nationally scarce species, pale St John's wort (Hypericum montanum), sea storksbill (Erodium maritimum), dwarf mouse-ear (Cerastium pumilum) and spring cinquefoil (Potentilla tabernaemontani).

Badger Township, Polk County, Minnesota

Badger Township is essentially agricultural in character, although a large percentage of it is of marginal quality with thin, sandy soils or swampland and potholed, essentially abandoned or unused for any cropland or pasturage purpose.

Banksia acanthopoda

Banksia acanthopoda grows in tall closed kwongan heath in lateritic soils, sometimes with a sparse overstorey of wandoo (Eucalyptus wandoo) or Drummond's gum (E. drummondii).

Bannockburn, New Zealand

Wine in this region, like the majority of Central Otago, focuses primarily on Pinot noir, suited to the dry climate and soils.

Beilschmiedia tarairi

It is a common canopy tree in lowland forests north of Auckland, often growing in association with kauri (Agathis australis), pōhutukawa (Metrosideros excelsa), tawapou (Pouteria costata), and pūriri (Vitex lucens) on basalt rocks and soils.

Bennett Environmental

It specializes in the recovering of soils contaminated with chlorinated hydrocarbons, including PCBs and PCPs, Dioxins and Furans.

Byron Lamont

From 1963 to 1966 he pursued undergraduate studies at the Instituate of Agriculture, University of Western Australia, graduating with a Bachelor of Agricultural Science with majors in Soils, Agronomy and Microbiology.

Cotati, California

The soils of the Cotati area are characterized by recent alluvial materials, explicitly those areas bordering the Laguna de Santa Rosa and its tributary Washoe Creek.

Cryptostylis hunteriana

A small saprophytic plant growing to 45 cm (18 in) tall on sandy soils and heathlands, Cryptostylis hunteriana is found mostly in coastal districts, south from the Gibraltar Range National Park.

Curvularia protuberata

It forms a mutualistic relationship with Dichanthelium lanuginosum (panic grass) and Curvularia thermal tolerance virus that allows the grass to grow in soils that are far warmer than it normally tolerates.

Desert pocket mouse

These pocket mice live in soils that may be vegetated with creosote bush, palo verde, burroweed, mesquite, cholla and other cacti, and short, sparse grass, as well as in lower edges of alluvial fan with yucca, mesquite, grama, and prickle poppy.

Duffy's Peak

The soils of the area are moderately deep silt loams that support mesquite, yucca, cacti, and grasses.

Economic history of Nicaragua

The rich volcanic soils produced a wide array of products, including beans, peppers, corn, cocoa, and cassava (manioc).

Eriogonum davidsonii

This plant is native to the southwestern United States and northern Baja California, where it grows in sandy or gravelly soils in a variety of habitats.

Eucalyptus argutifolia

The species occurs naturally on Wabling Hill and Parrot Ridge to the north of Yanchep and to the south of Seabird on shallow soils of limestone ridges, on slopes and in gullies.

Flat-tail horned lizard

The species was most abundant in places with the Western whiptail (Cnemidophorus tigris), nests of the black harvester ant (Messor pergandei), galleta grass (Hilaria rigida) and sandy soils.

Giant Gippsland earthworm

They live in the subsoil of blue, grey or red clay soils along stream banks and some south or west facing hills of their remaining habitat which is in Gippsland in Victoria, Australia.

Highbury Wood

Highbury Wood overlies mostly alkaline soils and contains a range of woodland species such as Ash, Oak and Lime.

Howell Mountains

Although rhyolitic rocks generally weather to soils that are considered to be nutrient poor, the Howell Mountain American Viticultural Area and other wine appellation districts located on the west slope claim that grape vines planted in these soils are stressed and as a consequence produce wine grapes that are superior in quality for wine making when compared to grapes grown on unstressed vines planted in the richer loams of the valley floor.


Khadar, a Hindustani term for a type alluvial soils found on river plains.


Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen or TKN is the sum of organic nitrogen, ammonia (NH3) and ammonium (NH4+) in the chemical analysis of soils.

Landscape products

Geotextiles are used for drainage to either convey or allow water penetration and to prevent the mixing of two different materials; geomembranes are used to contain liquids in ponds or wastes in landfills; geogrids and geocells are used for load support and to increase the bearing capacity of weak soils; and geocells as well as a variety of turf reinforcement mats (TRM) and erosion control blankets (ECB) are used for slope and channel protection and erosion control.

Leucopogon verticillatus

It grows in heavy soils in Karri, Jarrah, Tingle and similar forests in the south-west botanical province.

Lunar Roving Vehicle

Although Pavlics' wire-mesh wheels were not available for the MTA, testing of these was conducted on various soils at the Waterways Experiment Station of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Vicksburg, Mississippi.

Marsh Warbler

In western Europe the Marsh Warbler breeds mainly in rank vegetation on damp or seasonally flooded soils, and is particularly attracted to tall herbaceous vegetation such as nettles, meadowsweet, willowherbs and to young osiers and other low woody plants.

Middleton Quarry

Where a skeletal soil layer has developed on the quarry floor and spoil heaps, patches of grassland occur, with species characteristic of base-rich soils, such as quaking grass, Briza media, and limestone bedstraw, Galium sterneri.

Mongol invasion of Rus'

Refugees from southern Rus' moved mostly to the northeast, into the forested region with poor soils between the upper Volga and the Oka Rivers.

Nepenthes macrophylla

Whereas N. edwardsiana and N. villosa are restricted to generally ultramafic soils in the Kinabalu area, N. macrophylla is only found near the summit of Mount Trusmadi, which is mostly composed of sandstone.


Columnar structure is common in the subsoil of sodium affected soils and soils rich in swelling clays such as the semectites and the kandite Halloysite.

Phalaris arundinacea

Reed canarygrass grows well on poor soils and contaminated industrial sites, and researchers at Teesside University's Contaminated Land & Water Centre have suggested it as the ideal candidate for phytoremediation in improving soil quality and biodiversity at brownfield sites.

Potato cyst nematode

Solanum sisymbriifolium could be used to remove the nematode from infested soils.

Raised coral atoll

A raised coral atoll or raised coral island is an atoll that has been lifted high enough above sea level by tectonic forces to protect it from scouring by storms and enable soils and diverse – often endemic – species of flora and fauna to develop.

Rannveig Anna Guicharnaud

National sampling of Icelandic soils, soil profile descriptions, adaption of standard soil chemical analyses to suit Icelandic Andosols and data analyses for Ýmir, a national dataset for Icelandic soils.

Salix atrocinerea

A forest of S. atrocinerea occupies the eastern end of Cortegada Island in permanently or temporarily waterlogged soils, and a mixed forest with Alnus glutinosa occupies the end west side.

Stylidium multiscapum

Its typical habitat has been reported as damp sandy soils near creeks or swamps in Eucalyptus-dominated woodlands.

Stylidium rotundifolium

Its typical habitats include damp sandy soils on creekbanks, receding waterholes, or Melaleuca woodlands.

Stylidium semipartitum

Its typical habitat has been reported as either damp sandy soils in eucalypt woodlands, near creeks in the company of Melaleuca species or on sandstone plateaux with Triodia species.

Stylidium trichopodum

Its habitat is recorded as being moist sandy soils on flat or gently sloping terrain, sometimes in areas dominated by Melaleuca species.

TAM Mild Jalapeño

Yields have been good on the silty soils of Weslaco, but even better on the sandy soils near Mission, Texas and in New Mexico.

Wall Valley

Named by Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names (US-ACAN) (2004) after Diana Wall, Natural Resources Ecology Laboratory, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO; United States Antarctic Program (USAP) soils biologist in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, 13 field seasons, 1989-2002, most of them as a principal investigator in the McMurdo Dry Valleys Long-Term Ecological Research program (MCM LTER).

Xanthorrhoea preissii

Its occurrence is a characteristic of two other Marri (Corymbia calophylla) communities, but the Marri/Xanthorrhoea community is distinguished by the drier soils of the communities range along the eastern edge of the Swan Coastal Plain.

see also