Corioli was a town in ancient times in the territory of the Volsci in central Italy, in Latium adiectum.
The site is apparently to be sought in the North-Western portion of the district between the sea, the river Astura and the Alban Hills; but it cannot be more accurately fixed (the identification with Monte Giove, South of the Valle Aricciana, rests on no sufficient evidence), and even in the time of Pliny it ranked among the lost cities of Latium.
After this it does not appear in history, and we hear soon afterwards (443 BC) of a dispute between Ardea and Aricia about some land which had been part of the territory of Corioli, but had at an unknown date passed to Rome with Corioli.
Corioli |
Also in 493, Lartius served as legate to the consul Cominius, his colleague in 501, at the siege of Corioli, where Gaius Marcius Coriolanus gained fame through his valor.